Case 1
Case 2
Case 3
This type of headache may relate to activation of cells in the ipsilateral hypothalamus → triggers the trigeminal autonomic vascular system?. More common in men.
What is cluster headache?
Subdural hematoma (SDH) is caused by bleeding in the potential space between what two layers?
What are the dura and the arachnoid membranes.
Left face and arm upper-motor weakness due to damage to motor cortex. Left hemineglect (variable) due to damage to non-dominant association areas. There may also be left face and arm cortical type sensory loss if the infarct involves the sensory cortex.? Which artery is occluded?
What is Right MCA Superficial Division?
The red flags of fever teder tempral arteries and scalp, myalgia, weight loss, jaw claudication, raised ESR, sudden visual loss may indicate this.
What is temporal arteritis?
Most cases of SDH result from tearing of these veins that drain from the surface of the brain to the dural sinuses.
What are bridging veins?
Left leg upper-motor neuron weakness due to damage to motor cortex and left leg cortical type sensory loss due to damage to sensory cortex. Grasp reflex, frontal lobe behavioural abnormalities and left hemineglect can also be seen if the prefrontal cortex and non-dominant association cortex are involved.? Which artery?
What is Right ACA?
Gradual onset of headache, young patient, nausea, vomiting, papilloedema, Tetracycline Rx for acne, obesity may suggest this.
What is benign intercranial hypertension?
arterial rupture accounts for approximately ____ to ____ percent of cases.
What is 20-30 percent?
Right leg upper-motor neuron weakness due to damage to motor cortex and right leg cortical sensory loss due to damage to sensory cortex. Grasp reflex, frontal lobe behavioral abnormalities, and transcortical aphasia can also be seen if the prefrontal cortex and supplemental motor areas are involved.? Which Artery?
What is Left ACA?
According to lifetime prevalence studies of headache, both primary and secondary _____ type headache is the most common (69%)
What is tension headache?
_______ hemiparesis can occur as a result of direct compression of cortex underlying the hematoma.
What is Contralateral?
Occlusion of any of the major _______ arteries produces vertigo, nausea, vomiting, nystagmus, ipsilateral limb ataxia, and contralateral spinothalamic sensory loss in the limbs.
What is cerebellar?
In cluster headache, there is usually conjunctival injection, lacrimation, nasal blockage and nasal discharge – all on the side _______ to the headache. There is little nausea and very seldom vomiting.
What is ipsilateral?
_______ hemiparesis can occur with lateral displacement of the midbrain caused by the mass effect of the hematoma.
What is ipsilateral?
As a result of the corticobulbar input to the facial motor nucleus, an upper motor neuron lesion to fibers innervating the facial motor nucleus results in _____ _____. The syndrome is characterized by spastic paralysis of the contralateral lower face.
What is central seven?