Exploring Our Racial Identity Ch. 3
What Research Says About Learning Gaps
Creating a Welcoming School Culture
Readers and Writers Workshop
Current ELL Events
This is what we discover when reviewing our racial history.
What is racial identity?
This term refers to the gap in academic achievement between and among student groups.
What is a learning gap?
These two groups may feel isolated and disengage in the educational process.
Who are culturally different families and teachers?
With the implementation of these standards, teachers will have more freedom to determine how to incorporate readers and writers workshop into their lesson plans.
What is CCSS?
This trial recently came to a close, and involved two different minority groups.
What is the George Zimmerman trial?
The way the author describes our society with regard to race.
What is racialized society?
Students in this racial group are most likely to be placed in special education and kept in special education throughout their educational careers.
Who are African Americans?
The self-perception by a student of this attribute will lead to a greater immersion in the school culture. p. 124
What is acceptance?
This is the genre that students are encouraged to read according to CCSS.
What is non-fiction?
This powerful political leader recently commented on the trial that just ended last week.
Who is President Barak Obama?
In order to have your students express more about this, have them write an essay. p.34
What is a racial narrative?
Students living without money contributes to lower test scores, psychological stresses, and lack of language acquisition.
What is poverty?
Three school district scenarios were presented in this chapter. Which school, A, B, or C, was described as a middle-class school, where the teachers didn't trust the administration. (No, it's not Maryann's school, altho....)
What is School District A?
This author, (not the text's author), is a well respected writer about, well, writing. p.184
Who is Nancy Atwell?
This school district recently cut staff, thus impacting the education of all students, including ELLs.
What is CPS?
Have your students create this visual of themselves and place them in the classroom in order to acknowledge and demonstrate respect for each student.
What is a self-portrait?
Even though test makers scrutinize tests, the playing field is far from level, and this is the result.
What is test bias?
This idea refers to having a staff member be assigned to and work with a specific student. p.127
What is mentoring?
This is the CCSS that readers and writers workshop refers to.
What is reading literature?
Recently, it was reported that, in California there are now an equal number of these minority members as there are White members.
Who are Hispanics?
Read this genre of literature to your students, being sure to select a person of a different race then yourself.
What is a biography?
These students are more likely to be assigned lower qualified and less effective teachers. (Who, me?)
Who are poor and minority students?
Back to those three School District profiles: this is the School District whose professionals expect their students to fail.
What is School District B?
These grade levels were not addressed in chapter 13.
What are grades pre-K - 6?
This program is taking place in Chicago now, via the Chicago Police Department, in order to reduce the number of crimes.
What is police talking to people expected to commit crimes in advance of them doing so in an effort to stop the spread of crime.