Head Start

What are the origins of Head Start?

Initiated as an answer to social and political struggles of the civil era named "War against Poverty," and it has served over 27 million children since 1965.


What does the Waldorf curriculum consist of? 

Imaginative play, fairy tales, fables, folklore, imitation, art activities, "real" work such as knitting and baking bread, musical instruments, dance, drama, and awareness of nature, cycles, and seasons. 


Where is Dewey's Laboratory School established?

At the University of Chicago as the center of thought on progressive education


What is the alternative name Waldorf approach gives to special education, and what do you think about the name?

Curative Education


What is a common stereotype that children and families continue to experience at Head Start? 

Low-income mothers were generally incompetent and incapable of providing appropriate guidance and affection to their children. --- They possess what is called "the culture of poverty," and children growing up in poor families were "culturally deprived."  


Mention your stage (or the closest one) at the Steiner's 7-year cycles that incorporate both physical and spiritual development

0-7 - focused on physical development and imitating adults to learn about their world

7-14 - the child is becoming more aware of the surrounding world and is ready to begin instruction. The spiritual concept of "feeling" is realized at this time.

14-21  young people are ready to combine their intellect with more abstract thoughts and applications hence the spiritual development of "thinking"


According to Dewey what is what teachers must do in order to provide educational experiences for children?

1. have a strong base of general knowledge as well of  as knowledge of specific children

2. be willing to make sense of the world for children on the basis of their greater knowledge and experience, and 

3. invest in observation, planning, organization, and documentation. 


According to Dewey what is the path to quality education?

1. to know children well 

2. to be organize

3. to plan well

4. to build children's experiences on past learning. 


What are the Head Start Child Development and Learning Framework 11 general domains? 

1. Language development
2. English Language development
3. Literacy knowledge and skills
4. Mathematics knowledge and skills
5. Science knowledge and skills
6. Creative arts expression
7. Social studies knowledge and skills
8. Physical development and health 9. Social and emotional development
10. Approaches to learning
11. Logic and reasoning.


What is anthroposophy and what is its goal?

anthropo= man
sophia= wisdom
anthroposophia is the exploration of humanity in combination with the spiritual. Its goal is to bring about truths or new knowledge not wedded to any particular tenets or dogma that would make it an orthodoxy. Central is the quest to hear the truth about spiritual things.


Mention and explain one of Dewey's philosophy of education -- "My pedagogic creed"

1. True education comes through the stimulation of the child's powers by the demands of the social stimulations in which he finds himself.

2. The child's own instincts and powers furnish the material and give the starting-point for all education.

3. I believe that education, therefore, is a process of living and not a preparation for future living. 

 4. The school life should grow gradually out of the home life... It is the business of the school to deepen and extend is [the child's] sense of the values bound up in his home life.

5. I believe, finally, that the teacher is engaged, not simply in the training of individuals, but in the formation of the proper social life. 


what is the purpose of Waldorf education?

The purpose is to foster in children a sense of individuality, self-esteem, and wholeness. Each day includes rich opportunities to develop all aspects of growth and learning--social, emotional, spiritual, psychological, physical, and cognitive. 


What was the racial background of children enrolled in Head Start in 2009?

White 40%
African American 30%
Hispanic/Latino 36%
American Indian/Alaskan Native 4%
Asian 2%
Hawaiian/Pacific Islander <1%
biracial/multiracial 8%
unspecified or other 17%


What is the Waldorf teacher training process? 

Waldorf teachers must be trained in the philosophy and theories behind their craft, as well as in proper ways to incorporate these ideas into the classroom. 


Explain the criteria of an experience to be called educational

1. based on children's interests and grows out of their existing knowledge and experience.

2. supports the children's development

3. helps the children develop new skills

4. adds to the children's understanding of their world

5. prepares the children to live more fully


In Waldorf perspective what is the role of the children?

HINT what are they expected to be?

To be children first and foremost 


True or False 

Every Head Start follows the same standard curriculum



Mention and explain one of the Waldorf program's characteristics 

1. Creating a caring community of learners  
2. Teaching to enhance development and learning
3. Constructing appropriate curriculum


What is the example mentioned about how to teach children how to live in society, and what aspects does it address? 

HS-I am moving, I am learning


How does Head Start involve parents and why is this so important?

Group discussion 
