More Halloween!
Four ghosts has 5 candies each. How many candies did they have all together?
They had 20 candies all together.
Mr.Sean had 13 sour candies and he gave 5 to Ms. Jenna. and 5 to Ms. Cassandra How many sour candies did Mr.Sean have left?
Mr. Sean had 3 sour candies left over.
What are the coordinates for the skull and crossbones?
What is C4
Wolfman leaves the Halloween party at 4:00pm and arrives home at 6:15pm. How long did it take him to get home?
It took Wolfman 2 hours and 15 minutes to get home from the party.
Dracula held the ball in his hands. He bounced it slowly on the ground. Once. Twice. He crouched low and then jumped. The ball flew into the air. Up, up, up, it went. Then down, down, down, into the basket. "Yes!" he yelled. "Nothing but net!" The main idea in this passage is: A.) How to throw a basketball. B.) Dracula could jump. C.) Dracula liked basketball. D.) Dracula makes a basket.
D.) Dracula makes a basket.
Scooby and Shaggy were eating a snack and saw a ghost in the kitchen. Scooby and Shaggy started to cry. They started shaking and their knees were wobbly. Scooby and Shaggy called for help. Scooby and Shaggy ran away from the ghost. What is the main idea? A.) Scooby and Shaggy like snacks. B.) Scooby Snacks are delicious. C.) Scooby and Shaggy got scared.
C.) Scooby and Shaggy got scared.
Minty started the Sugar Rush Race at 7:30am and finished in First Place at 10:20am. How long did Minty race?
Minty raced for 2 hours and 50 minutes.
The ghost was excited because he saw the kids. He waved his arms in the air and said, "Happy Halloween, kids!" The ghost jumped up and down with excitement and smiled happily. The kids got scared and ran away. What is the main idea? A.) The ghost was excited. B.) Halloween is great! C. Ghosts are scary!
A.) The ghost was excited.
The witch was making a potion. She poured in 10 bottles of soy milk, 23 Hostess Apple pies, and 24 Cheerios. How many things did she use for her potion?
She used 57 things for her potion.
Do you brush your teeth? You should do it every day. Some kids like to use lots of tooth paste. Some use only a little. Some kids brush their teeth up and down. Others brush from side to side. Which one is better? They are both good. Don't forget to floss! The main idea in this passage is: A.) You brush your teeth from side to side B.) How do you brush your teeth? C.) You need to floss your teeth. D.) You need to brush your teeth.
D.) You need to brush your teeth.
The ghosts started haunting at 4 am in the morning and stopped at 5:30 am in the morning. How long did they work at haunting?
They haunted for 1 and a half hours.
Huey, Dewey, and Louie went trick or treating. Huey got 8 candy corns, Dewey got 12 pieces of gum,and Louie got 11 chocolate bars. How many Halloween treats did they get all together?
They got 31 Halloween treats all together.
Four ghosts went Trick or Treating. Each had four pieces of candy in their bags. How much candy did they have all together?
They had 16 pieces of candy all together.
Dracula invited the Creature from the Black Lagoon over for a party. The Creature danced in the kitchen for 30 minutes then he took a nap in the bathtub. Dracula handed out candy for the Trick or Treaters. Who did Dracula invite to the party?
The Creature from the Black Lagoon.
Let me tell you about my great cat. My cat's name is Mimi. She is black. She weighs 25 pounds. She has long ears and a tail with long hair. She follows me around the house. I love her very much! The main idea in this passage is: A.) The writer wants to tell you about her cat. B.) The writer plays with her cat. C.) The cat is black. D.) Cats are not fun.
The Ghostbusters started work at 8:30am and stopped for lunch at 1:00pm. How long did they work?
They worked for 4 hours and 30 minutes.
Adorabeezle started the Sugar Rush Race at 10:45 am and finished in First Place by crossing the finish line at 11:15 am. How many minutes was she racing?
Adorabeezle raced for 30 minutes.
Name a state where the most popular costume is the Little Mermaid.?
Minnesota and Pennsylvania.
Sully woke up and then he ate breakfast. After breakfast, Sully exercised. When Sully was done exercising, he went to work. What did Sully do after breakfast? A.) Sully exercised. B.) Sully woke up. C.) Sully went to work.
A.) Sully exercised.
The frog sat on the side of the pond. He was very still. His green color made him hard to see. A bug flew near him. His tongue zipped out, and he gobbled it up. Then the frog was still again. He waited for the next bug. The main idea in this passage is: A.) Frogs do not move. B.) Frogs are green. C.) Frogs eat bugs. D.) Frogs live in ponds.
C.) Frogs eat bugs.
There were four ghosts playing loud music late at night.They played for several hours. They played loud horns and drums and did not stop. The neighbors tried to tell them to be quiet. The ghosts kept playing until the police arrived to tell them to stop. What is the main idea? A.) The ghosts were playing their music too loud. B.) Ghosts can be jerks. C.) Haunted houses are fun!
A.) The ghosts were playing their music too loud.
Lucy got 20 pieces of chocolate, Charlie got 8 pieces of rock candy, Schroeder got 11 pieces of candy corn, Violet got 15 candy pumpkins, and Snoopy shot down at 1am by the Red Baron. How much candy did the kids get all together?
The kids got 54 pieces of candy.
What state are the Minions costume the most popular.
Some people believe that if a black cat walks in front of you, you will have bad luck. In Japan, people believe black cats bring good luck.These are all superstitions. October 27 is Black Cat Day around the world. Where do people believe black cats are good luck? A.) Santa Rosa B.) Japan C.) Norway
B.) Japan
We went camping last weekend. I don't want to go again. It rained all weekend. Our tent was soaked. My sleeping bag even got wet. Some raccoons got into our food at night. We had to go out to eat. We were wearing damp clothes! Camping in the rain is no fun. The main idea in this passage is: A.) The writer's sleeping bag got wet. B.) Camping in the rain is no fun. C.) The writer loves camping. D.) The writer does not want to go camping again.
D.) The writer does not want to go camping again.