How Abby died?
Cliff Diving
solution of a crime or unraveling of secrets
the pronouns you, your and yours a
Second Person
explains something
stories once passed down orally
Question Will Blurts out
“Abby is dead, isn’t she?”
life story written by oneself
non-fiction Autobiograhy
I almost cried when I forgot the lines to my speech for the treasurer of our student council.
First Person
tries to influence the reader
short story with personified animals and a moral
Abby's third gift to Stella?
Poe introduction
set in the past & based on real people and/or events
Historical Fiction
narrator gives only details of story
Third person objective
Has magic, royalty and a good vs. evil element
Fairy Tale - Entertain
main characters skills/size/strength is greatly exaggerated; set in American frontier
Tall Tale
Will song to Stella
I love you, a bushel and a peck!
has no elements of fantasy; could be true but isn’t
Realistic Fiction
all-knowing thoughts and feelings of two or more chatacters
Third-Person Omniscient
A history textbook
inform /explain
has gods/goddesses & usually accounts for the creation of something
Will and Stella touch the first time
pinky promise
has monsters, magic or characters with superpowers
thoughts of a single character.
Third-Person Limited
based on a real person and/or place & facts are stretched beyond nonfiction