True or False:
INTEGRITY is a Habit of Scholarship at FSI.
What is False?
This is a word that refers to the ability to do something or capacity to influence people and events.
What is POWER?
This is one activity we did in Crew last Friday.
Began SLC maps
This is the number of college banners in this classroom.
What is ONE?
This Habit of Scholarship relates to how you treat yourself and others in the learning environment.
hint: It is important to ______ your teacher and peers.
What is RESPECT?
True or false:
SYLLABUS is a vocab word we defined in our notes.
What is False?
True or false:
Our vocab words that we defined in our notes will come intro play throughout the entire unit.
What is True?
This is the day of the week we have outdoor activities in Crew.
What is Tuesday?
This Habit of Scholarship means doing what is necessary to prepare and stay accountable for your success.
hint: My students take ______ for their actions.
What is Responsibility?
This word refers to a group of people living together in a more or less ordered community.
What is... SOCIETY?
This is the number of years your teacher has spent teaching social studies.
What is This is her first year teaching social studies? (1<)
This is the number of flags in the classroom.
What is one?
This Habit of Scholarship requires scholars to push through challenges and grow into their best selves.
hint: It takes a lot of _____ to power through struggle.
What is Perseverance?
This word refers to the nature and arrangement of physical features and places.
These are 2 class norms that our cohort (71,72,73,or 74) came up with this week.
This is the correct spelling of our teacher's name.
What is Mr. Anderson?
This Habit of Scholarship represents how much care and though scholars put into their work and learning.
no hint!
What is QUALITY?
This word refers to the process in which someone or something changes or grows, and becomes more advanced.
As our teacher explained, this is one major topic we will be learning this Unit.
What is..
This is everyone's name in the classroom.
What is... (Teacher confirms)