Climate Change Geography
The message is clear
“No easy fix, but combine different bricks”

The city where world leaders agreed to a target of no more than 1,5 degrees C for global warming.

What is Paris?


it is the most important factor affecting the climate (Richard Alley)


what is CO2?


this prescriptive text about leadership concludes that the best strategy for military leaders is avoiding unnecessary conflict. (Keith Grint, p. 35-36)

what is The Art of War?


The country with the biggest accumulated carbon emissions throughout history.

What is USA?


it absorbs 90 % of human induced climate change and is getting warmer in an unexpected high rate (Johan Rockström)

what is the ocean?


this is a complex problem that needs creative leadership, not management, and contains a lot of uncertainty, conflicting interests and no clear relationship between cause and effect. (Keith Grint, p. 16, 26)


what is a wicked problem?


The body of water where the AMOK is found.

What is the Atlantic? (Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation)


The term of making society and nature resilient to climate change, a process that is unavoidable. The reason to do it is to be ready for a warmer climate and tofeel better by taking action to the many effects that are unavoidable. (Johan Rockström, Lisa Schipper and David Pogue)

what is climate adaption?


this approach is best to solve wicked problems and combines elements from different cultures of understanding (individualist, egalitarians and hierarchists) and different institutions. For climate change this means that the best solution will come from politically negotiated agreements, involving all three cultures of understanding, to limit the damage as soon as possible by combining elements and techniques from these cultures. (Keith Grint, p. 23-26)

what is a clumsy solution?


The damage and loss fund was decided upon on this city.

What is Sharm el-Sheikh?


It’s a term for adaptation to a different climate that doesn’t work as intended but also that backfires and makes people worse off and more vulnerable. It undermines the opportunity to adapt in the future. Politicians must understand this term, the consequences, the diversity of examples of it, and what the problems are (Dr Lisa Schipper)

what is maladaption?


this framework guides you how to think other worlds, to reach new knowledge and solutions without being too limited by following established methods, theories or assumptions. The framework suggests for instance to be sensible, to cultivate curiosity, to ask new questions and to get a grip on your tools of thinking but still resist categorisation. (Professor Anneli Ekblom)


what is the Pedagogy of response-ability?


Based on the future risk of wild fires, heat waves, water shortage and hurricanes, this will be the best area to live in the USA.

What is the Great Lakes area?


a framework that defines processes that keep the planets health intact, guiding us where the limits are and what to protect to have a planet that can absorb enough CO2 and to not cross any tipping points. (Johan Rockström)


What is the framework of planetary boundaries?


this leadership model is a theory of how it might be possible to explain shifts in form of patterns of leaderships throughout history. In this leadership model the pendulum swings between different models of leadership explained by both binary limits of language (what is assumed to be an efficient organization or what science or culture assumes) and also the wider political context in which what seems ‘normal’ only appears so when framed by the political ideologies of the day. (Keith Grint, p. 45.49)

what is the political leadership model / what is the political zeitgeist?
