Anger Management
Emotional Regulation
Inner Child
Attachment Styles
House Rules/ Group Norms

The 3 categories that the 10 anger styles fall under.

What are masked anger, explosive anger, and chronic anger?


Book the refers to 'the close, the many, and the powerful'.

What is 'Atomic Habits'?


The 3 points on the triangle for the ACA Disease Model.

What are Body, Mind, and Spirit?


This is the first thing we have to do in order to heal our inner child.

What is acknowledging their presence?


The healthiest/most ideal attachment style. 

What is Secure?


In the group norms, we are encouraged and expected to create this by validating each other, avoiding judgments, and assuming the best about each other. It is also one of the foundational aspects of Recovery.

What is Unity?


Anger style that involves holding others accountable for your beliefs, values, and/or expectations.

What is Moral Anger?


Damien's Homie

Who is Bill?


This takes over to try and run the show when our True Self/Inner Child goes into hiding in order to meet the need to be right or in control.

What is the False Self or Ego?


These are the two things referenced in Taylor's slides that are necessary for acknowledging our inner child, involving doing these things in response to the things that caused us pain in our childhood.

What is recognizing and accepting?


Fearful-Avoidant was once called this and then changed to being called Fearful-Avoidant.

What is Anxious-Avoidant?


By being on time to group, prepared, ready to go, staying seated and respectful of the facilitator & peers, by following the group norms, we create this and it is crucial to the functionality of the group.

What is Structure?


Anger Style that happens as a result of unresolved resentment(s).

What is Hate?


The essentials of Recovery.

What are honesty, open mindedness, and willingness?


In the 9th trait of ACA it refers to this as what ACAs confuse love for.

What is Pity or the Need to Rescue?


The inner child often experiences this and it stems from past experiences of neglect, abandonment, or trauma.

What is Vulnerability?


We need to do this with our emotions when trying to understand and/or communicate them to someone else.

What is Take accountability/ownership/responsibility


Bringing this to group can result in losing it for 7 days.

What is a cellphone?

Anger Myth that we learn from the media/society that involves the use of some type of poison as a way of coping with our anger.

What is drinking alcohol or using drugs will help me feel better when I feel angry?


The need in Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs that includes 'Others' Respect' and 'Self-Respect;.

What are Esteem Needs?


People in this role are often blamed for the family's problems and may act out or rebel in response to this role. May be labeled as 'troublemakers' or 'black sheep' of the family.

What is the Scapegoat?


The inner child retains a sense of this when free from the complexities/responsibilities of adulthood and it manifests as an openness to new experiences, a sense of wonder, and an ability to find joy in simple pleasures.

What is innocence/purity?


Attachment Style that involves being emotionally distant and avoiding intimacy 

What is Dismissive-Avoidant?


Doing this breaks unity and is disrespectful to my peers during group because it involves speaking directly to a peer after their share without raising my hand and/or asking the peer for their permission to comment or ask.

What is Cross Talk?


Anger does this for us and we need it because of this.

What is Helps us survive by alerting us to a problem, threat, or some form of disrespect?


This principle cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance.

What is contempt prior to investigation?


Enablers and Caretakers in dysfunctional family roles often develop this dynamic in relationships that involves prioritizing the needs of others over their own needs and having difficulty with setting boundaries.

What is Codependency?


This trait of our inner child is a source of creativity, inspiration, and personal growth when embraced in adulthood. The inner child is naturally this about the world and it creates eagerness to explore new ideas, experiences, and relationships.

What is Curiosity?

The name of the YouTube channel that Kass used to show the videos about Attachment Styles

What is Psych2Go?


The rules exist for this purpose in the big picture and they are designed to guide me in learning new patterns of behaviour that will keep me on this path. It is also our collective purpose for being at Muskoka Recovery.

What is Recovery?
