Random Music Trivia
Writing Skills
Unit One Powerpoint
Name that Explorer
My Lecture Commentary

This song sparked a popular dance trend in 2012. The artist is a South Korean proclaimed "rapper".

Gangnam Style


What is the citation style you will use for this class?

Chicago Manual of Style


What was the answer to the question on your notes check yesterday? (Two hundred bonus points to the brave soul that sings it with their team!)

Glory, God, and Gold!


In elementary school I was taught... "In 1492 he sailed the ocean blue..."

Christopher Columbus

What fraction of the population died from "the Black Death"?

One Third


Mariah Carey chart topper played repeatedly at Christmas time. 

All I Want for Christmas is You. 


What did the slide with the gif of meat refer to? One hundred bonus points if you can tell me the question I told you to ask yourself when you are looking over this aspect of your writing. 

Body paragraphs and "Does your paragraph support your thesis in any way?"


What was the last definition term that I had you copy before I started my lesson and what extra thing did it apply to for class? One hundred bonus points, if you can define the term. 

The Columbian Exchange was the last term because I mentioned that it would be the topic of your first research paper. It refers to the widespread transfer of plants, animals, culture, human populations, technology, diseases, and ideas between the Americas, West Africa, and the Old World in the 15th and 16th centuries.


The conqueror of the Incas. 

Francisco Pizarro


What present day city did I say you would find a statue of Henry the Navigator in?

Lisbon, Portugal


A goofy song from 1978, that is still popular today at large gatherings. It basically requires dancers to spell letters. 



What is unique about the outline formatting I will ask you to complete for research papers?

You must write out your entire introduction and conclusion. You also need to include citations next to your bullet pointed body paragraph evidence. 


This is the word used to describe an event in medieval Spain and Portugal which consisted of  a series of campaigns by Iberian Christian states to recapture territory from the Islamic Moors that had occupied most of the Iberian Peninsula in the early 8th century.



He realized the Americas were a separate continent and in turn received name recognition in our nation during the 15th century. 

Amerigo Vespucci


Who did I say further developed the printing press? Bonus points if you can tell me the original region this device was created in. 

Johannes Gutenberg and China


The song they teach you to sing in your head while performing CPR. The beat helps you stay on track with chest compression timing. (The irony is real.) One hundred bonus points, if you can tell me the name of the artist who created the song. 

Stayin' Alive and the Bee Gees'.


What are the four types of hooks for introductions that I covered in class?

Story, set the scene, thought provoking question, and an interesting fact. 

Name the differences between caracks and caravels. Be specific. 

The sail shape, size, speed, carrying ability, durability, manueverability. 


The first European explorer to reach the Pacific Ocean.

Vasco Núñez de Balboa


What does "turn of the sea" refer to? One hundred bonus points if you can tell me why is it important? 

The Portuguese discovering that they could ride trade winds home from their adventures on the African coast. It marked the important introduction of sailors learning to track wind patterns. This aided them in their ability to sail more effectively on their explorations. 

Popular rap artist that has been working to branch into country. I was quite shocked to see him when I went to Cheyenne Frontier Days a few years back. 

Post Malone


What were the six things that I told you to leave out of your academic writing?

Contractions, numbers that are not written out, abbreviations, slang, unsupported claims, and repetitive language.

Name the reasons why Portugal led the innovation for European exploration in the 15th century. 

They were unable to get access to resources in trade from Asia. They were looking to spread Catholicism. They wanted their own land for glory. 


The first European to land in Florida during the 15th century. 

Juan Ponce de León


What three regions originated in what would soon become Spain?

Castile, Aragon, and the Emirates of Granada
