What class are we currently in?
ETHN131- La Raza Studies
What three migration theories did we discuss in class?
1. Push-Pull Theory
2. Structural Theories
3. Transnational Theories
Which part of the book reviews historical and theoretical perspectives concerning Latinx migration and the U.S-Mexico Border?
Answer: Part I
Mexicans account for __% among the undocumented U.S immigration population (2017).
Answer: 47%
What does Latin X stand for?
Latinx" is a gender-neutral term used in terms with "Latino" or "Latina" to refer to a person of Latin American descent.
How many indigenous languages are still spoken today?
Answer: More than 300 indigenous languages are spoken today!!!
What did the orginal term "illegal aliens" refer to in the 1900's?
The term refers to those who bypassed border controls and found ways to enter the country.
What is the purpose of the book "Latinx Migration and U.S Mexico Border?"
What social factors influence migration?
Family reunification, cultural ties, and existing immigrant networks serve as social catalysts for migration.
As of 2018, which countries have many families and children been arriving at the U.S-Mexico border?
Answer: El Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala
The issue of immigration began to be the center of the nation's political discourse with Donald Trump's presidency in 2016. True or False?
Answer: True
How did economic conditions result in the decision of migration for many immigrants?
Answer: Economic hardship, high unemployment rates, and lack of resources prompt individuals and families to seek work opportunities in the more prosperous US economy.
In our book, how did Gloria-Anzaldua describe the U.S Mexico border?
She described the border as "una herida abierta" meaning "an open wound".
What was the wet foot/dry foot policy that was addressed in lecture on Tuesday?
The wet foot/dry food policy was an automatic residency policy that Cubans received upon arrival to the U.S
According to experts, what is the main reason many immigrants are undocumented today?
Answer: Overstaying their visas.
What is the Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1966?
Answer: A law that ended the long standing racist national origins quota system that favored immigrants from northwestern Europe.
What number of immigrants in the U.S are here illegally? (2017)
Answer: As of 2017, there were approximately 10.5 million undocumented immigrants living in the United States.
Based on studies by demographers, which predicted race will represent the largest group of immigrants by 2065?
Answer: Immigrants from Asia.
Why did the racial/ethnic demographics in the U.S immigration population begin to change?
Answer: It began to shift after the passage of the 1965 Immigration and Naturalization Act
What term did Samuel Huntington use to describe the demographic, social, and cultural changes caused by Mexican immigration to the U.S Southwest?
Answer: Reconquista