What was the first Pixar movie?
Toy Story
What does HTTP stand for?
Hypertext Transfer Protocol
Question: What does S.H.I.E.L.D. stand for?
Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division.
What color is associated with Gryggindor house?
What is a baby kangaroo called?
In Disney's Cinderella, what are the names of Cinderella's two stepsisters?
Anastasia and Drizella
Originally, Amazon only sold what kind of product?
Nick Fury wears an eye patch over which eye?
His left eye.
Who was the oldest Weasley Child?
What type of cloud is fluffy and looks like cotton candy in the sky?
In Back to the Future, what type of car is the time machine?
A DeLorean
In the car industry, what does "BMW" stand for?
Bavarian Motor Works
Captain America’s shield and Bucky's arm are made of what?
What did harry call his owl
Which country is known as the "Land of the Rising Sun"?
What is the longest movie ever made?
The Cure for Insomnia (clocking in at 85 hours)
What was eBay originally called?
Which movie kicked off the Marvel Cinematic Universe?
Iron Man
What London train station did the Hogwarts express depart from?
King's cross
What is a group of cats called?
A clowder
What was the first movie to ever be rated PG-13?
Red Planet (in 1984)
Which university did Microsoft founder Bill Gates drop out of?
Stan Lee made his final cameo in which Marvel movie?
Avengers: Endgame.
What was the name for the gryffindor house ghost
Nearly headless Nick
Which animal is infamous for laughing?