Name the space where you put your stuff away
The Coat Room
Helps you check-in with your feelings...
Ini, Annie, Yining, Emily, Sophie, Yuliana
It has 4 corners, but it is not 4 corners
4 square
What time is Dinner time for Elementary School?
Space where you can spend your bucks
The Star Store
You can usually find me building something
A game where you kick a ball to score
What time does the star store open?
Between 4:10pm-5pm
What is a space where you share a meal with your friends?
The Kid's Cafe
Who runs the cooking program?
How does Yuliana play hot potato?
What program happens at 5pm?
You come here to dance, sometimes you come here to play...What is my FULL name?
The New Balance Foundation Pavilion
Name 3 staff from the main office
Whitney, Mir, Tal, Kip, Andrea, John, Rudy, Elle, Esteban, Erick, Lauren, Alexis, Kristin
What game is most played in the gym?
What pick and stay is from 3:30-5:00?
Academic Pick and Stay
Middle Schoolers hang out here...
The Middle School Lounge
This staff helps our building stay nice, clean, and beautiful
Name 2 theme days from February Vacation
Whacky Wednesday, Pajama Day, Character Day, WEH Spirit Day, Beach Day
7:30pm; 8:30pm