On the Farm

Each of Mrs. Weilbacher's 24 students needs to complete an English presentation that takes 7 minutes to complete.  How many total minutes will her class spend presenting? 

What is 168 minutes?


Bernardo makes $9 an hour.  How much money will he make if he works 42 hours?

What is $378?


Wal-Mart has 414 shirts for sale.  Each shirt has 4 buttons.  How many total buttons are on all 414 shirts?

What is 1,656?


Peyton's grandmother gives Peyton and three other ladies in the family $465 each to buy pet goats.  How much total money does Peyton's grandmother give?

What is $1,860?


A spool of thread has 1,345 feet of thread.  Wyatt has 6 spools of thread.  How many total feet of thread does he have?

What is 8,070 feet?


There are 19 classrooms at Olympia Middle School and each has 24 students.  How many total students go to Olympia Middle School?

What is 456?


At his job at Fed Ex, Seth loaded 17 blue trucks, 16 red trucks and 3 purple trucks. If he gets paid $17 for each truck he loads, how much money did he make?  

What is $612?


There are 752 boys and 1,378 girls at the mall.  Each person buys 2 things.  How many total things are sold?

What is 4,260?


Caleb had 70 new chickens and 30 old chickens to put in his barn. Caleb was organizing his chickens into cages with 25 in each cage. How many cages would he use?

What is 4?


Jadea has 96 yards of fabric.  A yard is 36 inches.  How many inches of fabric does Jadea have?

What is 3,456?


Wyatt and his friends were recycling paper for their science class. For every eight pounds they recycled they earned 25 points. If Wyatt recycled 72 pounds, how many points did he earn?

What is 225 points?


Working at the carnival, Bernardo had to sell 120 tickets. In the first hour, he sold enough tickets for 5 rides and each ride required 5 tickets. How many tickets did he have left to sell?

What is 95?


A candy store sells 78 packets of gum.  Each packet has 16 sticks of gum in it.  How many total sticks of gum did they sell?

What is 1,248?


Daniel was trying to expand his chicken collection. He bought one-hundred fifty eggs from a friend and bought twenty-seven more from a farmer down the road. If seventy of the eggs didn't hatch, how many chickens did he end up with?

What is 107?


Jadea bought two coloring books. One had 224 pictures and the other had 439. After one week, she had already colored 24 of the pictures. How many pictures does she still have to color?

What is 639?


For a math assignment, Peyton and Wyatt combined their efforts to complete the work. Wyatt said he would do 49 problems and Peyton said she would do 60. If they each finished eight problems the first day, how many problems do they have left?

What is 93?


Caleb's landscaping crew had 19 members total. If each member mowed 16 yards, how many yards total were mowed?  

What is 304?


Daniel bought a dozen sweatshirts for $32 each, how much did he spend?

What is $384?


268 eggs can fit into one box.  Peyton fills 6 boxes.  How many eggs did Peyton put in all 6 boxes total?

What is 1,608?


Daniel made 2 1/2 blankets on Saturday, 3 blankets on Sunday, and half a blanket on Monday.  How many blankets did Daniel make in all?

What is 6?


Caleb's science classroom is 45 feet long and 12 feet wide.  What is the area of Caleb's science classroom?

What is 540 square feet?


Wyatt makes $9 each hour he works.  He worked 24 hours last week.  He also made $42 cutting his neighbor's lawn.  How much money did Wyatt make last week?

What is $258?


A toy store had 382 stuffed bears in stock when they got another shipment with 10 bears in it. Then 59 bears were sold.  How many bears are left in stock?

What is 333?


There are 25 barns on Bernardo's farm.  Each barn has 30 cows and 18 goats in it.  How many animals does Bernardo have altogether?

What is 1200?


Peyton drew 10 pictures of flowers.  She drew 5 times as many pictures of rainbows.  She also drew half as many pictures of baby rabbits as flowers.  How many pictures did she draw in all?

What is 65?
