Classroom 1
Classroom 2
School 1
Mrs. Barber

Where is the turn in basket located?

On the white table by the north window.

- Make sure you are turning into the right basket!


You need to use the restroom during class. What do you do?

-fill out a hall pass online

- ask Mrs. Barber

- Leave phone in basket


Where should your phone be during class?

HS: turned off and out of sight- pocket/locker

MS: turned off and in locker

If I see or hear it I am required to take it to Mrs. Boone

Where do you go for a tornado drill?

If you are in my room, we will go to the boys locker room by the gym.


T/F Mrs. Barber is a twin.



What is the first thing you should do when you get to class?

-Check to see if you have homework to turn in

-Get started on Bell work


Where can you find the bell work and daily plan?

On the board or posted on Google Classroom


T/F: Headphones are allowed in all classrooms?

False: It is up to each teacher to decide for their rooms.

Cannot be connected to your phones


What do you do if the fire drill starts to go off.

-turn your voice off and listen for instructions from your teacher.

-teacher will lead you out the nearest exit.


How many years has Mrs. Barber taught?

This is my second year teaching. I worked as a sub for many years through college.


You get back a test and did not do as well on it as you would have liked. What should you do?

Email or talk to Mrs. Barber after class to schedule a time to make corrections.

- you will have 1 week to make corrections.

- You will be allowed to use your notes/book for corrections.

-Keep in mind corrections are only worth 1/2 credit so you still need to try and do good the first time if you want a good grade.


What does the big red button do?

It turns off the power to all outlets in the room.


You left your textbook in your school supplies in your locker room locker. Will you be allowed to go get it?

No. Locker rooms will be locked


You notice some liquid spilled near a lab station. What should you do?

A: clean it up cause its probably just water

B: Let Mrs. Barber know because you do not know what the liquid is.



What is Mrs. Barber's favorite science subject?

Biology-Life science

You are digging through your folder and find your homework assignment that was due yesterday but Mrs. Barber does not take late work. What should you do?

Talk to Mrs. Barber after class OR slip it in the box and hope that she has not graded them yet.

- If you know you will be absent like for sports or clubs you MUST get your work before you are gone.

- If you are sick then you will get the extra days like the student handbook states.


It is passing period and you really need to use the restroom but you don't know if you will make it to class in time. What do you do?

-go to class and let Mrs. Barber know you need to run to the restroom real quick.

- If you take more than 5 minutes you will owe Mrs. Barber extra time after school.


You are absent because of a sport game. Will you get an extra day to do your homework?

No. If you know you will be absent you must communicate with your teacher before you are gone.


Should you touch anything that does not belong to you?

No. If it is at a lab station or in your way. Ask Mrs. Barber before moving.

-You will get written up if you are messing with Mrs. Barber's or anyone else's things.


Where did Mrs. Barber go to college?

Ottawa University


You get to the classroom on time but you are across the room talking to your friend and not in your seat working on bell work. What will Mrs. Barber do?

-mark you tardy for not being ready for class at the bell.


Mrs. Barber catches you doing your Social Studies homework while she is leading a lesson. What will your consequence be?

Any wasted time in class will be made up in detention after school.

wasted time could be: not paying attention, talking, messing around, sleeping, games or other class stuff, etc.


It is snack time but you did not bring any food. What do you do?

Go to the gym because snack time is not optional.


Why are we NOT supposed to have food or drinks in the lab station areas?

Another class could have done an experiment earlier and some of the chemicals or things could still be in the area.

-example: Frog dissection and the last class did not disinfect the table before leaving. 


Where is Mrs. Barber from?

