When is Asmaa Zahra's birthday?
November 15th 2024
What is the most popular brand of baby diapers?
What is Fatima's middle name
When does a baby usually start to rollover?
4-6 months (fun fact Asmaa Zahra can already do this!)
What does Asmaa Zahra call her mom and dad?
Mummy and Papa
What hospital was Asmaa Zahra born at?
Sunnybrook Hospital
What is the greatest expense on average that a parent spends for their child?
What Islamic month was Fatima born in?
When does a baby usually start to crawl?
7-9 months (fun fact, her Masi walked before she crawled!)
Which grandparent does Asmaa Zahra look and sound the most like?
Her Dada (Sajjad Uncle)
Who in Islam is Asmaa Zahra named after and why?
Asmaa b. al-Umays; she was born on Fatemiyyah day!
What percentage of women had a c-section in Canada last year (fun fact Asmaa Zahra was a c-section delivery)
How much weight did Fatima gain in her pregnancy?
18 pounds
When does a baby usually start to lift and control their head?
1-3 months
How many aunts and uncles does Asmaa Zahra have? Name them all :)
3 aunts (Zaynab [Masi], Fatima [Fufi], Shaheen [Chachi], 2 uncles (Inayat [Chacha], Suhail [Masa])
What time was Asmaa Zahra born?
6:55 am
Which hospital in the GTA had the most deliveries in 2024?
Mount Sinai hospital
How many weeks pregnant was Fatima when she delivered?
38 weeks
When does a baby usually start teething?
4-6 months
What is Asmaa Zahra's favourite thing to do with her Nani?
Duas after Fajr
If Asmaa Zahra was a boy what would her name have been?
Muhammad Mujtaba
What was the most common girl and boy name of 2024?
Olivia and Noah
What is Fatima's favourite snack?
Jelly beans
When can a baby see full colour?
7-9 months
Asmaa Zahra is the ______ great grandchild on her dad's side (HINT: there are a lot of them!)