ELA Refresher
Our ELA Class
CGLA Rules
About Ms. Meadows

Your Grit grade is worth _______% of your overall grade.

What is 15%?


This is a writing style that allows the writer to tell a story. It can include actual events told in chronological order or it may include imagined events told in a timeline that the author creates.

What is a narrative?


This is the focus of our ELA class.

What is Women's Literature?


These items used to carry books and personal items are not allowed in the classrooms.

What are backpacks and purses?


Ms. Meadows's major in college was:

What is Secondary Education English?


List two of our class norms.

What are: 

  • Be on time and prepared for class every day

  • Be respectful to everyone in the room, including yourself.

  • Keep learning at the center.

  • Keep a growth mindset (you can do it!)

  • Be an active participant in your learning.

  • Ask questions and stay curious.


List any two examples of figurative language.

What is: personification, simile, metaphor, imagery, hyperbole, onomatopoeia, etc.


List two units that we will study in this class. 

What are: coming of age, women as individuals,  family expectations, wives and mothers, feminism and sisterhood, women in STEM


These tech items need to remain in lockers every day, or they will be taken up.

What are cell phones; what are smartwatches; what are airpods; what are personal devices.


These are the jobs Ms. Meadows has had: 

What is: Salad Chopper, Newspaper Editor, Cashier, Office Assistant, Camp Counselor, Server


True or false: a student who turns in an incomplete essay without apparent effort can complete it at any time, and Ms. Meadows will change the grade.

What is False? 

The student must attend two essay detentions to revise the essay, and the original grade will stay in the gradebook.


This is an academic way of saying an educated guess. It involves taking what you have read and combining it with your own thoughts to reach a conclusion.

What is an inference?

The day when summer reading essays are due: 

What is Monday, August 12? 


This after school service is required if you are making below a 70 in your classes (or if you want extra help in general) 

What is tutoring?


The number of Ms. Meadows's siblings: 

What is zero? 


A 3.5 equals a _______________ in the SBG scale.

What is a 90%?


This is the key part of an argumentative essay where you disprove the other side of the argument.

What is the counterclaim?


True or false: 10th grade ELA has a TNReady test at the end of the year. 

What is true?


This is the consequence for receiving four tardies in your classes.

What is a referral?


Name one of Ms. Meadows's favorite hobbies!

What is: Reading, writing poetry, going on walks, traveling, and taking pictures 


These are the consequences for plagiarism

What is: receiving a zero for the assignment, parent contact, and having to re-do the assignment (the zero will stay)


List one difference between theme and main idea. 

What is: theme is the moral of a text, main idea is what the text is mainly about; there can be more than one theme in a text, there is usually only one main idea. 


Choose the type of text that we read the most in this class: Novels, poetry, short stories, or plays. 

What are plays (Antigone, A Doll's House, A Raisin in the Sun)?


This is the consequence for getting caught with your cell phone three times.

What is having the phone taken up for the rest of the year?


What is Ms. Meadows's favorite accent to talk in? 

What is a British accent? 
