What is our Mascot?
The Husky
What time does school start?
8 am
Which staff member teaches music?
Ms. Autumn
Does the cafeteria offer salt and pepper?
Yes or no
How many classrooms does our After School program use?
What are our colors?
Gold, Grey, Green
How many classes are in the regular school day?
Who is the Vice Principal?
Mr. Cornish
What fruits are served with snack?
(Name one)
Apple, Cantaloupe, Orange, Pineapple, Watermelon
What wing are we in?
The 500's
Who is our rival?
Monte Vista
How many restroom breaks a day?
Name one staff member that works at two sites.
Ms. Ana, Ms. Natalie
True or false? Friday's serving is a cold snack.
Name one room theme for August 2024
Apples, Books, Pencils
Approximately, how many students attend our school?
How long is the After school program Mon-Thurs?
Four hours
This staff member has been here the shortest
Ms. Lauren, one month
What is the name of the company that serves Hawaiian shaved ice?
Kona Ice
Which classroom has which grade?
508 = 6th
509 = 7th
510 = 8th
Approximately how old is the school?
30 years
What time is the last snack of the day?
This staff member has been here the longest.
Ms. Suzette, 17 years
True or false? The school used to have multiple soda machines across campus
True or false? Every room has a TV?
False. 510 does not have a tv