What is the full name of our school WJMS?
West Jordan Middle School
What is our classroom number?
What time does the first class start?
Where should you check-in if you are late for school?
Attendance Office
How long can you keep a library book?
1 week
What is the name of your teacher in this room?
Mr. Johnson
Who is our Principal?
Mrs Jenson
Which street is WJMS off of?
Redwood road
Ms. Hilton
What class gives you time to make up missing work and to work on out-classes?
Seventh period / study skills
Name one TA in this classroom
Mrs. Watson, Ms. Sam, Mrs. Marshall & Mrs. G
How many teacher assistants work in this room?
How many "pods" are in the school
What is the phone policy?
Only allowed during passing periods and lunch
What do we call our 30 minute period each day to work on assignments or get extra help from teachers?
Pride Time
Where do we gather during fire drills?
Behind the school against the fence
What is our school mascot?
How long are the breaks between periods?
5 minutes
Is it okay to run in the hallway?
Where should you go to talk to somebody if you are having a bad day?
Counseling center
Name 3 elective classes offered this year at WJMS
Ceramics, Painting, Drawing, CCA, Theater, Musical Theater, Stage Crew, Dance, Yoga, Team Sports, Spanish
How many lunch lines are there?
If you break a chrome book, how much do they cost?
about 300$
When is the time to eat in this room?
never unless it is special occassion
What is the most important thing to do during a lockdown?
Be quiet