What do you do when you first get to class?
Find your desk, get your materials out and start on the do now.
Name one thing that will get your class a negative point?
Yell out, say an insult, throw things, be disrespectful
What do you do if someone comes into class late?
Silently smile at them, if you are sitting next to them, you can let them know what we are working on.
What do you do if there is an earthquake?
Duck under desk, wait for shaking to stop, when safe go outside with class.
What do you do if you need a pencil?
Use the hand signal and get one from the cup- GIVE it back at the end of class.
Name one thing that can get you a referral
leaving class with out permission, violence, making class unsafe in anyway.
What do you do if your classmate is having a bad day and asks to be alone?
Leave them alone. Let them know you hope they feel better.
What do you do if there is a fire?
Go outside with class, line up right outside our room.
What do you do if you need to use the restroom?
Use the hand signal, take a pass and sign in and out.
How many points will get you from a purple score to a green score?
What do you do if you are having a hard day?
Ask to sit alone, take deep breaths, think of the things you are grateful for.
What do you do if you don't feel well.
Go to the office and call home.
What do you do when you are doing fluency work?
Listen to your partner, tell them their score. Graph your own score, put your materials back nicely.
How many green days do you need to have free time on Fridays?
4 days or
a combination of a purple and a yellow, plus the other days being green.
What can you do if your classmate does not understand what we are doing?
Try to explain it to them, let the teacher know.
What do you do if you witness some one being bullied?
Tell the bully to stop, tell an adult, put an anonymous word to the office.
What do you do when it is your turn to be student of the day?
Lead the pledge, share something about yourself, do our mindfulness
What are some rewards for good behavior?
Cookies, raffle, free time on Friday, party
What can you do if you see some of your classmates being bean to someone?
Ask them to stop, tell the teacher, let the person know that you are there for them.
What do you do if there is an intruder?
Lock the door, be very quiet, if possible go out the windows or hide.