Classroom Routines
Growth Mindset
Zones of Regulation
What do you do if...

What do you need to do if you want to share an idea, thought or question?

Raise your hand.


What is a growth mindset?

A growth mindset is when you believe that you can learn new things if you practice. 

What does the Red Zone mean?

Out of control, angry, hitting


What do you do if you are done all your work?

Check if there is anything else you need to finish/catch up on. Pick a "Pick One" activity from the board to do quietly.

What do you need to do if you want to use the washroom?

Tell the teacher, put a purple pylon on your desk and take the key card to unlock the school doors. 


What is a fixed minset?

A fixed mindset is when you think that you will never get smarter or better at anything. Whatever you know now is all that you will know for the rest of your life.


What does the yellow zone mean?

Silly, wiggly, too excited, hyper


What do you do if it is an indoor recess?

Pick a quiet activity. No tech allowed. You should not be running or throwing things in the classroom during this time.


When are you supposed to use the washroom?

Anytime except during a lesson.


What kind of mindset should we aim to have?

Growth mindset


What are the 4 colours of the zones of regulation?

Green, yellow, red, blue


What do you do if you don't know how to spell a word?

Ask a friend, check your dictionary, or underline the word and keep writing. You can ask the teacher to help you with that word once you are done writing. 


What are the lunchtime expectations?

Sit at your desk, eat your lunch. You should not be running around or should not be at the stairs outside of our door looking around.


If someone says, "I'll never get better at spelling. I am so bad at it." What type of mindset would this be?

Fixed mindset


What are things you can do to get back to the green zone?

Calming breathing, colouring, reading, mindfulness


What do you do if you do not know how to read/pronounce a word?

Sound it out, ask a friend, look for smaller words in that word to help you break down the word.


What is the first thing you do when you get to school?

Put your items away, open up your agenda on your desk. Begin your Morning Writing quietly. 


If someone says, "I will get better at math if I keep practicing at school and at home each day." What type of mindset is this?

Growth mindset

What colour zone do should you be in, in order for you to concentrate and learn?

Green zone


What do you do if you did not finish your homework?

Stay in during recess to finish it. Or finish it once you are done other work during class. 
