What should you do when the teacher is talking?
Not talk/ listen carefully.
What is the job of the line leader
Stand in the front of the line, guide the class to the destination, set a good example, ect.
You go onto the tablet, log in, click on your name, type the book in, check it out.
When is it time to use the bathroom?
When it is independent work. Not while Ms.McCoskey is talking. During recess.
What do you need to do the night before library?
What should you do when it is partner work?
Work quietly with your group and focus on the task
What is the job of the door holders?
Door holders stand behind the line leader and hold the doors to go into the building. This includes coming into the classroom. It is not Ms.McCoskey's job to hold the door.
What do you do when you're done with a book?
Return it to the library, check it back in, and make sure it is put back correctly.
What do you do when you need to use the restroom?
Sign out and don't make it a big deal. If it is during instruction do not ask.
What do you need for PE?
Appropriate shoes and a good attitude
What should you do when coming into the classroom?
Enter quietly, sit down, and read the board.
What should the janitor do?
The janitor is responsible for making sure people are picking up after themselves. Their job is that by the end of the day the class is clean.
Where do you keep your book from the classroom library?
On your desk in a safe place. It never goes home.
When should you care about how many times someone has gone to the bathroom/ how long they've been in it?
Never. Their business is none of yours.
Kindly, keep your hands to yourself, and respect teachers.
On-Task Behavior
100% Attendance
Stellar Participation
Homework Turned In
100% Attendance for a Month
Class Community Service
Job Improvement
Dragon Ticket
No Fines for a Month
What does the calm down corner manager do?
They are responsible for making sure the calm down corner is kept clean and nothing is missing.
What do you do if you need to be quietly reading during a test?
Borrow a book quietly and quickly.
What related arts can you use the bathroom during?
None. You need to be using the bathroom during recess.
What do you do when someone is bothering you at recess?
When is it ok to put your hands on another person?
Never/ only when playing tag
What does the absent work manager do?
They make sure to get the work together for their classmates when they are out of the classroom either for missing school or being in another class.
What do you do with broken or destroyed books?
How should you behave in the restroom?
Do your business, leave the stuff alone, wash your hands!
Leave it at second recess. It doesn't need to be told to Ms.McCoskey and it doesn't need to be brought into the classroom.