What month is Blues Break during?
What time does the school day start?
8:05 am
Who is the asst. principal?
Mrs. Draper
True or false: A 3.00 could be interpreted as an A.
True or False: Blues Break is 9 days long.
What is one rule that I have in this classroom?
What is the name of the program where you can check your grades?
A 4.00 is also what letter grade?
Why do we have breaks from school?
Ms. Harrington will take the most convincing answer.
Name two school supplies you should always bring to class.
Two of the following: pencil, notebooks, binder, chromebook, charger.
Where might you be able to find details/directions for assignments?
Teacher's whiteboard or Google Classroom
A 0.00-1.00 is an...
During what month is Spring Break?
What time is lunch at?
12:50 pm
How do we decide who uses the yoga ball?
Name picker
What SBG is the same as "approaching proficiency"?
When will the next school year start? Please answer "month, year"
August 2025
Aside from an emergency, is it ever okay to run in the hallway?
When is the end of Trimester 2?
Which category would indicate more understanding: "approaching proficiency" or "proficient with partial success at advanced application"?
Proficiency w/ partial success at adv. application