One our our classroom rules is to Be Kind, what does this mean?
Treat others the way you want to be treated. Only use kind words. If you are angry or frustrated, walk away until you are ready to talk.
What is the routine for when you come in in the morning?
Come in, put your zippy in bin. Grab shoes, work on journal quietly until after announcements.
What does Ms. Killen expect when you are working on your work?
Always trying my best. Ask when you need help.
We all need to work ____________ as a team to make sure we can have fun!
Doing my journal in the morning.
Listening during carpet.
Putting my things away.
Working hard.
One of our classroom rules is Be Honest, what does this mean?
Always tell the truth.
If you need help, ASK!
Use your words to tell others how you feel.
What is the routine for after FIRST BREAK?
Put lunch away, no garbage on the floor or desks. Sit quietly with a book on the carpet.
What does Ms. Killen expect when you are coming to show her your writing?
True or False
If we follow all the rules and expectations, Ms. Killen will bring in fun things for us to do.
I can earn $5 by:
Being kind to others.
Being a leader in our classroom
Helping others when they need help.
One of our classroom rules is Be Responsible, what does this mean?
Always be ready to learn. Keep your things organized. WORRY ABOUT YOU!
What is the routine for after SECOND BREAK?
When sitting at the carpet, I should:
Treat them with respect and not break them!
I can earn $10 by:
Being a role model in our classroom (always listening, never having to have a teacher remind me, being nice to others, helping others)
When Ms. Killen is away- I am a leader and help out the supply teacher to make their day easier.
One of our classroom rules is Be Respectful, what does this mean?
Listen to teachers and any adults. Listen to your classmates.
If one person is talking, you are listening.
What is your routine before recesses?
Make sure everything is put away. Shoes are placed on the carpet.
When I have something to say, I need to:
Raise my hand and wait until Ms. Killen or the teacher calls on me.
I need to hold my blurt beans.
Ms. Killen is responsible for my cheque book. If I lose it, it does not matter.
You are responsible for your cheque book. If it gets lost- you receive $0! Only with permission, you can put money inside your cheque book.
What type of mindset should you have towards your learning?
A Growth Mindset
What is the routine at the end of the day?
All flexible seats are up. No garbage on the floor or desks. Shoes are neatly put in a row by the Smart Board. All supplies are put back in their spots.
Everyone has their job, but will help out anyone! Zippys in your bag.
During work periods, I need to:
I need to follow the expected noise level and find a SMART spot where I will not be distracted.
What happens at the end of the month? What is Ms. Killen's one rule?
We have a Killen Store to celebrate! Ms. Killen's one rule is that you need to have at least $1 inside your wallet. You cannot be broke!