What is the name of this course?
Exploratory to Family and Consumer Science
What happens if you are using a cell phone in class when asked not to?
Your phone will be taken away!
What is the first thing you need to do when you entire the classroom?
Pick up your folder as you enter the classroom.
What is your teacher's first name?
How many students are in this class?
Answer will vary...
What is the name of the textbook?
Discovering Life Skills
What is the fourth rule in this classroom?
Clean up your area before leaving the classroom.
Where do you turn in your assignments?
My hours turn-in bend.
What was the second college Mrs. Uhlig attended? Two bonus points for knowing the abbreviation.
Due to COVID-19 what must you do when you come into the classroom?
Wash your hands!
What is Mrs. Uhlig's extension?
Your work is ONE day late! EEK! What percentage off do you receive?
What is three classroom off-limit areas?
Any could apply: Kitchens, Cabinets, Drawers, Fridge, Freezer, Inside Ovens, Teacher Desk.
What degree is your teacher getting her MA in?
Educational Technology
Who dismisses the class of students - the bell or the teacher?
The teacher.
What topics will be covered during this course?
Interpersonal and family relationships, finance, child development, sewing, and foods and nutrition.
If you were absent for the day. When you return, where can you pick up the assignment(s) you missed?
Absent Crate
What materials are needed in this class?
Pencil, Two Pocket Folder, Ear Buds, Loose-leaf paper, 1 box Kleenex.
How many brothers and sisters does your teacher have?
0 - Only child
What must be written on your two pocket folders?
Name and hour!
What is Mrs. Uhlig's email address and room number?
uhlig_carlie@hsdr3.org and 121
What is Mrs. Uhlig's restroom policy?
You will owe one minute after the bell.
What should you do if you are tardy?
Enter the room quietly and hand the tardy pass to Mrs. Uhlig. Begin the assignment taking place in class.
What town did your teacher grown up in?
What is the number one expectation from students in this classroom?