This is the Cardinal Code.
What is how many units we will learn this year?
Gardening, reading, and knitting
What are Mrs. Bozarth's favorite hobbies?
Walking in a straight line with no talking
What do you do during a fire drill or evacuation?
What you do when you need to use the bathroom?
Bringing a charged computer every day.
What is the unit that Mrs. Bozarth will definitely teach this year?
White chocolate
What is the worst type of chocolate? (according to Mrs. Bozarth)
The safety equipment you can use when someone is on fire. (Name 2)
Wet pants
What happens if you turn on the sink too fast?
Helping a friend who dropped their books in the hallway.
Open notebook
What is what you can use when you take assessments?
September 9
What is Ruby's birthday?
Reading a book, drawing, or napping.
What are things you can do during a lock down drill?
End of the hallway
What is where you have to be to not be considered late to class?
Showing up to class on time and completing the Do Now when you come in the room.
What is READY??
What is the number of homework assignments you will have per trimester.
What is the number of participation grades you will have per trimester.
Name of the son that got married
What is Michael?
The high school auditorium
Where do we go for an off-site lockdown?
Band aids
What is what Mrs. Bozarth has in her drawer so you don't have go to the nurse if you have a paper cut?
Shirts and pants touch
What the dress code for how we wear our pants and shirts?
Broken ankle
What is the storyline about for the first unit on Cells and Systems?
11 years
What is how long Mrs. Bozarth was cardiovascular scientist?
What should be heard during EVERY type of safety drill?
Your locker
What is where your phone should be during the day?