When is the best time to sharpen your pencil.
What is before class starts. If you have to sharpen your pencil after the bell rings, please wait for next best time which is when the teacher is not talking to the whole class.
What is step 1 of the behavior plan?
Reminder of expectations/verbal redirect.
Can I use my cell phone during school hours?
What is No.
What does it look like to work hard and be resilient in Science class?
Actively participate in class - write all science notes
Complete all class work on time
Be positive and never give up
Where do I need to be before the bell rings?
Waiting in my assigned seat.
Where should I be when the bell rings?
In my assigned seat.
What might the teacher chose during step 2?
Move seat
Offer student a choice
Return it!
What does it look like to be responsible in Science class?
Be prepared: pencil, chromebook, science notebook and self-starter
Follow classroom expectations - be accountable for you actions
Use your chromebook responsibly - approved websites only
Take care of your science notebook and folder
What needs to be clean before I leave class?
Table top, floor under and around table and material box.
What materials will I need everyday for science?
Pencil and my self-starter in my science folder.
What is the purpose of step 3?
The purpose is to give students a chance to relax and clam down so they can rejoin class and not have a consequence that involves documentation and phone call home.
How to get my teachers attention?
What does it look like to be a good communicator in science class?
Seek help and ask questions when needed
Work-cooperatively with your table - especially during experiments
Be accountable - your words and actions affect other people
Am I responsible for making sure that my notebook and folder are put away correctly?
Where do I keep my backpack during class?
On the counter.
What do student fill out during Step 4.
Knight Respect Form
How will my teacher get my attention?
Teacher will use countdown to let me know when I need to stop what I am doing and listen to her.
Teacher will say, "Class, class." I will respond with, "Yes, yes." and stop what I am doing and listen to her.
What does it mean to be respectful in science class?
Appropriate language - no swearing or threats
Respect the science equipment and materials - clean up after yourself
Take turns talking and listening
Calm voices - no yelling or calling out
Can I wait by the door?
What must be completed 5 minutes after the bell?
Daily Self-Starter
What is step 5 of the behavior plan?
Office referral and phone call home.
What is one of the expectations for using the hall pass?
Two Hall passes per class for every quarter.
Must have green clipboard. (Hall Pass)
Cannot go during first or last 10 minutes of class.
Only one person at a time.
Cannot go during whole group instruction.
What does it mean to be dependable in science class?
Arrive on time and attend class
Turn in all your complete work
Do the right thing even if no one is watching
When can I get my backpack?
When the teacher announces that it is time to clean up.