This is the place you go when you have been asked to stop your yapping but you haven't stopped yapping.
The quiet seat by Miss Daily's Desk
Where is the Art room?
We walk quietly and don't make a fuss in the halls because we are not 'those people'.
Lunchroom expectations:
Voice, activity, cleaning
What happens if you don't clean up?
Voice- level 2-3
Activity- eating (not sharing foods)
Cleaning- clean up your area before you leave.
You get assigned seats if you leave a mess.
What happens when you get 2 Out-of-Class Movements?
You get a conference with Miss Daily and a phone call home.
This is the program you use to get a Bathroom pass or a locker pass or a hallway pass.
Digital Hall Pass on the Portal
Where is the Computers room?
In the Media Center- classroom to the left.
Where do you line up to leave my class?
Along the wall, in number order, silent.
How to you get a pass to the Health Office?
Put in a request, the Health Office will call and talk to you if necessary, the HEALTH office will approve your pass as necessary.
This is not Miss Daily's call.
What happens when you get 5 out-of-class movements?
You get a CICO Chart for 20 days, and a phone call from Miss Daily.
This is the time 6B lunch/recess is over and becomes passing time for 6th period.
Where is the music room?
Walk like you're leaving through the basketball doors, but turn left after the drinking fountain.
What can you do during our 2-3 minute walking break in our class?
Anything reasonable except running, chasing, wrestling, fighting, touching.
Walking, talking, standing, stretching, wiggling etc.
Who is the Principal?
Miss Diehl
What size is Miss Daily in Scooters and Target Gift cards? Uggs?
0-200 and 9.
This is the place you go when you have had a chance to stop the yapping, you didn't stop yapping, you moved for yapping, you still couldn't get it under control, and/or you were physically or verbally offensive and need a complete reset.
Room 328- with Miss V.
At the top of the 6th grade stairs, on the left side of the ACES hall.
What is the routine for our first 5 mintues?
Enter in TAPS
Begin the DLG
Correct the DLG
DO you share your locker combo with anyone?
Can I touch the piano?
Daily Double!
How you enter the classroom - both the acronym and the long form.
TAPS- Total and Perfect Silence
Where is the Counselor? (Miss Stonacek)
The door between Miss Jensen's room and the Teacher's Office. (room 151)
What do you do when you come back from the bathroom?
Replace the soap, erase your name, click the 'stop' sign on your computer.
What happens after you are tardy 10 times? 20 times?
10- Call home from Miss Daily
20- CICO Chart for 20 days in a row.
If you are late 2 times a day as you are on a chart, you will serve AIR time after school.
Who is teacher in the the classroom next to Daily?
Across from Daily?
Mrs.Snurr, Ms.Schwab.