Mrs. Stafford teaches
P.E. or Gym class
If you have a question you should
Raise your hand
How many of my daughters are home with me now?
If I need a Kleenex I should
Get up and grab one
After I use the washroom I ALWAYS
What grade did Mrs. Smith teach before?
When using Chromebook water bottles should be
on the floor
To help me not be cold in school this year I should
bring any extra sweater or sweatshirt
If we arrive in the classroom before 8:45 we should
Quietly read a book
Get paper towels and clean it up.
Who is the principal of Army Trail?
Mr. Tucker
In the hallway our voices should be
turned off (no talking)
How many cousins does Miss Schmitz have?
Where will you wait to be picked up after school if you go home in a car?
the classroom
My mask needs to cover
my mouth AND nose
What are your 2 teachers' names this year?
Mrs. Smith and Miss Schmitz
What time should you arrive to school?
What was the title of the book we read in school today?
First Grade Jitters
What # is our classroom?
When are the times my mask can be down or off
eating, drinking, outside
Name 3 other teachers in the school
answers will vary-teacher checks
My papers should always be
in a folder
The new name for recess is
unstructured playtime
What time will breakfast/snack end?
How many students per bench in the lunchroom?