What do you bring with you every library?
Library Books & my Chromebook
Check in and check out happens at this time of class.
Last 10 minutes of class.
When entering the library, the volume level should be ______.
When you check out a book. You are __________ for the condition of the book.
Sometimes we read fiction books. What does fiction mean?
not real, pretend
You can check out this many books, as long as your account is clear.
When looking at different books, use this to help remember exactly where the book goes on the shelf.
Come in ready to listen to _________ given by Mrs. Lanigan.
Your hands should be _______ before handling library books.
What should you use to mark the spot you stop in your book?
A Bookmark
When is your library book due?
In 6 Cycle days
After picking your books, go here to check out your books
The Circulation Desk (Check out desk)
If reading a story, be an active ________.
This is when you bend the corner of a page to mark you place….
Dog Earring
Sometimes we read books that are non-fiction. What does non-fiction mean?
What do you do if you still want your book, but it is due?
Renew It
When checking out your book(s), you may take this many bookmarks.
One bookmark
In order to sit where you like, you need to…
Be respectful of all & Get your work done
You should probably keep your book here if you are not reading it…
Books are placed in categories, what are these categories called?
What happens if you lose or damage a library book?
You must replace/ pay for the book.
When checking in your book, put it here...
On the counter when you walk in!
When someone else is speaking, show respect by listening and ______ at them.
What do you do if you find a damaged book?
Give it to Mrs. Lanigan or Mrs. Manry
In library, we sometimes do STEAM activities. What does STEAM mean?
Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Math