House Cup
2024 Goals
How "Things" Work

How long do we have each lunch for silent eating? 

BONUS Why is this time important for many students?

10 minutes

- Time to relax in a calm space

- Time to eat your food and refuel for the afternoon

- Time to sort out issues from outside

- Focused attendance time


When is it okay to refuse a request from a teacher, lunchroom supervisor, or guest expert (e.g., Pulse Dance Crew)?

If the request is clearly unsafe.


When do House Cup competitions occur?

Every available Friday


Explain the mataphor of the red wolf and blue wolf.

What are some actions that can feed the blue wolf?

What are some ways of handling red-wolf feelings?

Who we are inside is determined by the actions we take and how we view complex emotions brought on by events in our lives.


How should we answer Currents4Kids questions from the On-The-Lines quiz?

- Use "I think..."

- Avoid pronouns

- Provide evidence

- Annotate your evidence to find it quickly


Why is it important to sanitize your hands both before AND after eating (snack and lunch)?

To reduce the spread of ilnesses transfered through touch (avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth).


When should you use the Help Yourself Shelf?

When you need an item to complete an assigned task that you do not already have with you (or in your bin)


What are some ways that your team can earn bonus points for the Class Cup?

- Being ready on time

- Looking sharp

- Helping out when it is needed

- Completing a homework sheet

- Reading a novel over a break


How can Pundat Ball rules be used throughout the day (both in the classroom and outside during recess)? 

- Only say kind or supportive things

- share the opportunity to "serve"

- pay attention to who has had a turn

- regularly show apreciation through handshakes

- care about the experience NOT the score


How much time does a daily one-minute routine/behaviour add up to by the end of the school year?

3 hours! 

BONUS QUESTION: If our class takes 10 minutes to get ready to learn each morning, and 10 minutes to get ready to learn each afternoon, how much time "getting ready" will we take this year?


What are the main routines to prepare for on Wednesdays, after PEW?

Hand out yellow duotangs (C4K), hand in library books in the book bin, get your library card ready (Room 18), then work on DMR and DLR.


How WILL we be entering the classrooms after unstructured times like recess and lunch?

Quickly, quietly, and ready to learn (be a rolemodel for all others)


If it is not currently your event in the Class Cup, what is your responsibility?

To be a supportive audience member for your team mates AND opponents.


Whose responsibility is it that Ms. Koch becomes a certified teacher?


- Ms. Koch

- Your teachers

- All of the students


When handing out duotangs, how many are you allowed to take at one time? Why?

You shuld take out ONE duotang at a time to increase the speed of delivery and to allow everyone in the classroom feel like they can contribute.


During our Pillars of Care ceremony, why is it important to recognize the accompishments of others?

- It shows others that we are aware of them

- It remind us of how simple actions can mean a lot

- It allows us to strengthen out class community

- It allows us to share our voices in a good way



What should you do instead of asking the question, "what do I do now?" (i.e., what are acceptable choices of activities when you are finished an assignment)

- read quietly at your desk

- work on unfinished assignments

- free-write in your black book

- follow the instructions on Google Classroom


What are some attributes of Team Vert that helps them earn bonus points during our House Cup days?

- set up quickly

- support other house teams if needed

- remain in their seats

- talk quietly until it is time to compete


Using what we have learned from John Muir Laws, what will each of our visual journal entries need to have?

- Pictures

- Words

- Numbers

- I Notice... I Wonder... It Reminds Me Of


Explain the metaphor for the seagulls in Finding Nemo.

Wanting everything for yourself leads to competition, greed, and mistakes. It also creates a chaotic environment that does not support others.


Channeling your "inner Terrence" is a great way to stay focused. What does the term mean AND can you model it for the class?

Grabbing a table divider from one of their storage locations and setting it up without disturbing the class.


Last year we had two main rules: Work had and be kind. This year we have only one. What is it?

Everything we do MUST:

1. allow students to learn their best and,

2. teachers to teach their best


Showing your spirit is a great idea! When should you take the time to make your House Cup signs, flags, stickers, etc.?

Outside of class time (e.g., home, recess, and lunch)


What is our big question this year AND what are some examples of marks left on the world (yes, we have talked about this)?

What is your mark?

- any logical response


What should we do when we encounter a new situation that we are not good at right away? Why?

We should learn from our mistakes and keep trying. Each time we try something, and focus on small improvements each time, our neural pathways grow stronger.
