True or False - you should walk quietly in the hallway
Where do I find my homework?
On the homework board!
What place on the clip chart do you come in as every day?
Ready to Learn - Green
How do you become Student of the Month?
Good hw, behavior, respectful, working hard
Spell your teacher's name
What is the mystery walker?
A secret person picked every day to watch in the hallway. If they walk quietly and in line, they get 5 Dojo points!
What are Homework Stars?
Stars you earn every week for doing all your hw.
Every 5 stars in a row gets you a prize or a no hw pass!How do you get table points?
Sitting quietly, cleaning up, being ready to learn
How do you sit on the rug?
Sitting up, legs criss-crossed, not touching the other person next to you
What does Ms. Guercio like to do?
Cook, bake, travel, and teach!
Do we walk on the left or the right side of the hallway?
The right side
What is the sign for bathroom and water?
Bathroom - 2 fingers
Water - 3 fingers
True or False - you should sit quietly and respectfully in class
What two small groups do we have?
SRP Groups and Math Groups
True or False - we stand in 1 line in the hallway
FALSE - we stand in a girl's line and a boy's line
True or False - walk up to Ms. Guercio if you have a question
FALSE - ask a table partner, then raise your hand and wait quietly
What happens when you have the most Dojo points or Table Points at the end of the week?
You can win a prize from the prize box or the candy box!
What are your numbers for?
4th Grade!
What does the line leader and the door holder do?
Line leader - lead the line, listen to the teacher's directions
Door Holder - Stand behind the line leader, hold the door for the class
What should you do when you come into the classroom every morning, in order?
Put your backpack and lunch away, grab a breakfast, and work on morning work
What happens if you land on Orange or Red on the clip chart?
Red - Lunch Detention with the teacher, lose another Dojo point, possible phone call home
How many people can use the restroom at a time?
2 - one in the classroom and one in the hallway
Name Ms Guercio's three dogs
Chuck, Harley, and Gigi