When are you allowed to go to the bathroom and how do you ask?
1. When Mrs. Sherwin isn't teaching in front of the room. (Unless it's a true emergency)
2.Sign out on the clipboard your name, time you leave, and time you return.
Where do you turn in papers (tests/homework) or parent notes?
Bins by the window.
How do you share something you want to say in class?
Raise your hand.
Do you have to listen to the bus driver on the bus and the lunch aides in the cafeteria?
Are you allowed to save a flex seat cushion for a friend?
How many people are allowed to leave for the bathroom at one time?
If someone has their ELA/HMH book and they are number 14, which shelf should that book go?
2nd shelf
What is one example of a privilege that you can lose if you don't follow the expectations?
1. Extra recess
2.Flex seating
3.Lunch seat (lunch detention)
Name some behaviors on the bus that would cause you to lose extra recess. (2 answers)
1. Getting out of your seat when the bus is moving.
2. Hitting a person or throwing something.
3. Swaring or using inappropriate language.
4. Poking a hole in the bus seat.
When you finish all your work, are you allowed to flex seat and read a book?
What if you see a person crying in the bathroom. What should you do?
1.Ask if they need help and if they are ok.
2.Tell Mrs. Sherwin
What do you do if you see a pencil on the floor? Where do pencils go?
In pencil container by the sink.
Other than treating people with kindness, what is the most important rule in 5th grade?
What do you do if you notice someone from this class, who isn't usually a friend of yours, is sitting alone at recess?
Ask them if they want to join you and your friends.
Where can you flex seat in the room?
Anywhere other than right in front of the door.
What should you do if you see someone in the bathroom making a mess? (2 answers)
1. Tell them to stop.
2.Tell Mrs. Sherwin
Where are the classroom library books located?
By the window
When are you allowed to use flex seating?
After Mrs. Sherwin finishes directions, and you are working independently.
1. Throwing Food
2.Making fun of someone or laughing when someone else makes fun of another person.
3. Running in cafeteria
4.Touching someone else's tray or food.
Is flex seating always allowed?
Not when Mrs. Sherwin is teaching or giving directions.
Give 2 reasons Mrs. Sherwin has you sign-out before going to the restroom?
1. So she knows where you are in case there is an emergency.
2. In case there is a behavior in the bathroom she can see if you were in there at the same time.
What do you do if you find an extra charger on the floor?
1.Put it in the green bin under the sink.
Why does Mrs. Sherwin have expectations about including people or speaking up if we see or hear someone acting unkind? (2 reasons)
1. She wants everyone to feel comfortable when they come to school.
2.You can't learn if you are feeling nervous about someone being unkind to you.
What are 2 reasons you may lose extra recess?
1. Saying or doing something that hurts someone else.
2. Behavior that causes lunch aides to talk with you.
3.Behavior on the bus that causes the bus driver to write you up.
4.Not completing homework
Why would you lose flex seating privileges? (2)
1. Not working
2. Talking to the people around you instead of working
3. Distracting the people around you.
4. Not turning in your personal best work.