Red, Blue and Yellow are called what?
Primary Colors
What do you make when you add black to a color?
A Shade
Artwork an artist makes of themselves
A self-portrait
The path of a point moving through space. It is one dimensional and can vary in width, direction, and length
A line
An element of art is repeated in an organized way
Green, Purple and Orange are called what?
Secondary Colors
What do you get when you add white to a color?
A Tint
Artwork an artist makes of someone else
Flat enclosed areas that are two dimensional
Organizing the elements in a work of art to distribute their visual weight pleasingly
Two colors opposite on the color wheel are
Complementary Colors
Gray is considered a
Artwork of a park is an example of
A landscape
Hue that is produced when light reflects off of an object
Emphasising specific elements of art to connect the whole work of art
Three colors touching on the color wheel are called
What are the 6 tertiary colors?
Red-Violet, Blue-Violet, Blue-Green, Yellow-Green, Yellow-Orange, Red-Orange
Artwork that does not attempt to represent an accurate depiction of a visual reality
Abstract art
Three dimensional shapes. They have volume and take up space
Different elements used together to highlight their differences
One color, all the tints and shades, using only that one color plus white and black is called?
What are two complementary colors mixed together called?
A tone
What are the names of the 3 sections that make up a landscape
Foreground, Middle ground, background
Used to create the illusion of depth
Using a specific element of art in order to create a focal point