Different from Elementary School
What To Expect

The people who know what you are going through because they are going through it too.

What are your friends, other students, your peers.


In elementary school, students were divided into classrooms.  In middle school, students are divided into_________.

What are teams?  With the team model, subjects are taught by different teachers and students move from class to class.


In order to be successful in your classes, you should come to school with the 3 R's each day.  The R's stand for__________, ____________, and________________________.

What is be Respectful, Responsible, and Ready to Learn?


This is what you should do if someone is bullying you.

What is tell your parent/guardian, teacher, or school counselor because bullying is not only against school rules, but also against the law?


Your school day starts at _____ and ends at _____.

What is 7:55 am and 2:25 pm on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays (1:15 pm on Wednesdays)?


This person will help you with a smooth transition and will support you academically, personally, and socially.

Who is your school counselor? 


You store your belongings in this and can access it before school, in between classes, and after school.

What is your locker? This is assigned to you by your homeroom teacher.


In middle school, these are the subjects that your core teachers on each team teach.

What is ELA, Math, Social Studies, and Science?


The people you should talk to if you are confused or need help with academics.

Who are your parents, teachers, or school counselor?


What you should do if you are late to school.

What is go to the Lower School Office and check-in with Ms. Fagan?


The leaders of you school (we call them administrators) are:

Who is your principal (Mr. McAllister) and your assistant principals (Mr. Hartunian, Ms. Cohen, and Ms. Foundas)?


Chenery operates on a rotating ___ day schedule.

What is 6?


This is what you should do to keep track of what your homework is each day.

What is write it down from the board into your agenda book?


You should do this if you see someone else getting bullied.

What is tell an adult close by?


The specials (or encore classes) that all 5th graders take are:

What is art, music, library, guidance/DARE, and physical education?


This is what you should you do if you have a question about a project.

What is ask your teacher, school counselor, or your librarian?


In 5th grade, there are a total of ______ teams.

What is 8?


This is what you should do if you are really struggling in a class.

What is talk to your parent/guardian, your teacher, and/or your school counselor? Your teachers all have specific days that they stay after school to help you. Don't forget to take advantage of this time!


Something you can do if you are feeling overwhelmed or stressed.

What is talk to your school counselor to learn some coping strategies?  There are many other students feeling the same way.


These are the names of all of the fifth grade teams.

What is Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet, and Silver?


This is the number of school counselors at Chenery.

What is 4?  There is one school counselor for each grade.  The Chenery counselors are Ms Cohen, Mr. Quinn, Ms. Hawkins, and Ms. Culver.


Some examples of special activities that exist outside of the school day (ie: after-school) are:

What are clubs, sports, and BASEC? Get involved!!


MCAS tests are in these subjects in middle school.

What are ELA and Math (and, in some grades, Science/Technology)?


Something you can do if you are having some sort of a disagreement with a peer.

What is try to resolve it peacefully? If that does not work, make an appointment with your school counselor to talk it out.


This is the number of stairwells at Chenery.

What is 4?  There is a 5th grade stairwell, a 6th grade stairwell, a 7th grade stairwell, and an 8th grade stairwell.
