Dorm Food is good...really good so might have to be watchful of what you consume.
What is freshmen 15?
A public, two-year post-secondary institution that offers associate degree, licensure programs, and trade certifications
What is a community college?
Scholarships, Grants, Loans, and work-study programs to assist with the cost of college.
What is financial aid?
A standard test for high school achievement and college readiness.
What is the ACT or SAT?
The grounds and buildings where a college or university is located?
What is a campus?
Dorms, Cafeteria, intermural games, floor meetings, friendship, college workshops, informational are all a part of.
What is res life?
A post-secondary institution that is supported mainly by public funds and the programs are ran by publicly elected officials.
What is a public institution/college?
This application can be used to apply for financial aid U.S. citizens and permanent residents from U.S. federal and state governments. This application is used to determine need-based aid.
What is FAFSA application?
When a college requires all of your information including application, grades, etc. for admissions.
What is the Application Deadline
The academic area that a student chooses to focus on during their undergraduate studies.
What is a major?
I really don't need these books anymore.
What is textbook return?
A post-secondary institution that is controlled by a private individual(s) of a nongovernmental agency.
What is a private institution/college?
This type of financial aid consists of amount of money that is given to an individual for a period of time, with an agreement that it will be repaid later.
What is a loan?
Building a positive relationship with school faculty and staff members can be important to securing a good reputation for college.
What is a letter of recommendation?
Consisting of sleeping quarters or entire buildings primary providing living and sleeping areas. Most students are required to stay here their freshmen year at a university or college.
What are dorms?
This class is really hard, I don't think I can pass it. I need to get rid of it.
What is a dropped class?
An institution of higher education in the United States designated by a state to receive the benefits of the Morrill Acts of 1862 and 1890.
What are Land grant institutions?
These types of financial aid consist of free aid given to a student by a school, individual, company, organization, charity, state, or federal government.
What are grants and scholarships?
Saving is important.!! This can be due before applying to colleges or university. However, there are methods to waive.
What is college application fee?
This place can be used to find out about additional funds to help with the cost of tuition or college expenses.
What is FAFSA office?
Can you take a pic for me? I just graduated I'm wearing my...
What is a cap and gown?
The Morrill Act of 1890 required confederate states to create institutions for African American/Black Students.
What are Historical Black Colleges/Universities (HBCU)?
The cost charged by a college or university per term, per course, per credit in exchange for instruction or training provided.
What is tuition?
Identity, Goals, Hobbies, Interest, Conflict resolutions, and grades are all important to considering when preparing these.
What are college application essays?
This person helps create your college schedule from freshmen year to graduation. This person can also give academic advice and has connections within their respective institution.
What is an advisor?