Do you push your turn signal up or down to signal right?
What sign is this?
Railroad Crossing
What does ABS stand for?
Antilock Braking System
What is the definition of an adverse condition?
What is someone who is following you too closely called?
How many feet in advance do you have to signal in city areas?
100 feet
What sign is this?
No Passing Zone
What type of restraint is a seat belt?
Active restraint
Name one adverse condition.
Rain, snow, sleet, hail, fog, etc
What does IPDE stand for?
Identify, Predict, Decide, Execute
True or False
You have to signal 200 ft in advance in rural areas.
Describe a No U-turn sign.
Curved arrow with a red circle with a slash
Name a passive restraint.
Airbag, headrest, power locks, shatterproof windows
What type of headlights do you use in fog, rain and snow?
Low beam headlights
What does MIB stand for?
Mirrors, indicator, blind spot
What does it mean when both your turn signals are on?
Your hazards are on
What type of sign is a stop sign?
Regulatory sign
What is a crumple zone?
What is rocking the vehicle?
Repeatedly driving forward and backwards to create a small space for your car to be able get traction to get out of the hole
What should you do to avoid being blinded by someone's oncoming headlights?
Look at the lines on the right edge of the road until the car has passed
When do you cancel your signal when switching lanes?
As you switch lanes
What type of sign is a handicap sign?
Regulatory sign
Why are you only allowed to drive one person in your car in the first year of having your license?
To try to limit distractions and decrease the chances of collisions for less experienced drivers
When are you at the highest risk of hydroplaning?
When the rain first starts to fall
What did the Treaty of Versailles do to Germany?
100,000 military. No Air Force, 5 ships in the navy and 3 billion dollars in reparations, 38 billion now