I like to hop around. I'm a tadpole when I'm young.
I am green and I croak. And catch flies with my long tongue.
What am I?
In our reading about the intercontinental railroad, in what state did the 2 rail lines meet?
He sits on the chair.
What is the preposition in that sentence
Christopher Columbus set sale for the New World in 1492.
What word is misspelled
What does the word communities mean?
groups that live together or who have things in common.
He's small but he can climb a tower.
The milk is in the fridge.
Name the preposition
Butter is maid from milk.
What word is incorrect
a reward or a reason to do something.
What jumps when it walks and sits when it stands?
rivers, oceans, mountains, valleys
T h e b r a v e f i r e m e n r e s c u e d t h e
c a t f r o m t h e t r e e .
Name the adjective
A mouse scurried out of the whole.
What word is misspelled
Isolated means kept away from other people or things.
What goes in the water black and comes out red?
Why do earthquakes happen?
The tectonic plates shift
M y f r i e n d s a n d I ar e g o i n g t o
w a t c h a s c a r y m ov i e .
Name the adjective
I right in my diary every day.
What word is misspelled?
What is the correct spelling of that word.
What does the word destruction mean?
is the act of ruining something or making it useless.
I can jump, I can swim, I swing from tree to tree and I make a house much bigger than myself.
What am I?
What is the name of the machine that is used to measure the strength of earthquake?
M y f r i e n d l i k e s t o r e a d f u n n y
b o o k s a b o u t f a i r i e s .
Name the adjective, verb and nouns
1 adjective, 1 verb, 3 nouns
noun-books and fairies, friend
A hair raced with a tortoise.
Name the word that is misspelled, and spell the correct spelling of the word.
Also what is the noun in the sentence.
is a force applies to something by something else.