FACS STANDS FOR _______________________
Family and Consumer Sciences
What Supplies Do You Need?
Is It Cool To Get In Trouble?
UMMM, no?!???!!! Phone calls home, after school detention, lunch detention, classroom removal, ISS, IDS and going to the time out room is nothing to be proud of. Stay out of trouble. Do the right thing! I DO NOT WANT TO SEE YOUR NAME ON THE DISCIPLINE LOG
Mondays after school in room 104
What Will We Do In FACS?
We will spend the majority of the class learning to sew and completing two projects. We will also go over time management skills, social skills and other useful life skills.
Are Cellphones / Headphones Allowed?
NO!!! In an emergency, you may ask me to use your phone. I do not want to see phones or headphones. You can always ask me for a pass to make a phone call at the main office.
The first offense is a ________________
Verbal warning at first and a discussion with you. The second offense is a phone call home.
What Do You Do If You Have Music Lessons?
See me and get the work you missed. Come into class and look in your class folder.
True/False: FACS Is A Course That Teaches You Life Skills.
TRUE! FACS is a course that teaches you skills that go beyond the classroom setting. The skills you learn in FACS will be useful in your everyday life.
Make a left outside the classroom. Single file line. Remain silent the entire time. Go outside the doors and walk towards the district offices. There will be a consequence if these rules are not followed.
If You Are Disruptive In Class And Preventing Others From Learning/Distracting Me or Others you will _______________
Be asked to leave my room immediately.
At The End Of Class, How Should We Leave Ms. Smith's Classroom?
EXACTLY the way you found it. ALL supplies away. Tops of desks and floor is cleaned up.
Do You Cook In 6th Grade FACS?
NO! 7th grade FACS is where you will cook!
What Do You Do If You Forget A Supply?
Writing utensils are on the side in the cart. If your supplies are in your locker, go to your locker before hte bell rings.
NO!!! pencil sharpening, bathroom requests...nurse is a different story!
What Is the Point System?
Name 3 Sewing Stitches
Running stitch, overcast stitch and blanket stitch.
What Is The First Thing You Must Do When You Enter Room 104?
Find your seat and read the Do Now. The Do Now will let you know EXACTLY what you need to do in order to get started. Sit quietly and wait for instructions.
What Is The Bathroom Procedure?
Sign your agenda, teacher initial your agenda and sign out on the sheet!
What Is The Homework Due NEXT CLASS???
Signed class contract due next class.