Different from Elementary School
What To Expect
The people who know what you are going through because they are going through it too
What is your friends, other students, your peers.
In middle school, your school day will start earlier or later than elementary school
What is later, but it also ends later
The grade you should strive for in all your classes
What is an 90 to 100%
If someone is bullying you, what should you do?
What is tell your parent, teacher, school counselor or administrator. Write it down or save it electronically because it is not only against school rules, but also against the law (David's Law)
How many classes a day will you go to?
What is 7. This includes 4 core classes, and 2 electives classes and advisory. This does not include your break for lunch.
This person will help you with a smooth transition and will support you academically, personally, socially and with career exploration.
Who is your school counselor (they are the best :)
In elementary school you stored your belongings in your desk, in middle school you store your belongings in 
What is your backpack or gym locker. This is assigned to you by your school.
In middle school, you have 4 core subjects.  What are they?
What is ELA, Math, Social Studies, and Science.
If you are confused or need help with academics who should you ask?
Who are your parents and teachers.

Your school day will start at _____ and end at _____?

What is 8:55am and 3:55 pm

The leaders of your school are called...
What is your principal and assistant principals.

This is the way your work will be graded

What is 0 to 100. You receive report cards every 9 weeks and progress reports in the middle of those grading periods.

How do you know when you have homework that night?
What is writing it down from the board in your planner or agenda!
If you see someone else being bullied you should...
What is tell a trusted adult.
Is there tutoring at middle school?
Tutoring is built into the school day as well as before school.
What should you do if you have a question about a project?
What is ask your teacher or your librarian.
This activity does not exist in middle school
What is recess or snack time.
If you are really struggling what should you do?
What is tell your parent, then arrange at time for you and your teacher to talk. Teachers are always willing to stay and help after school if you need it! There is also tutoring available as well in school.
If you are feeling overwhelmed with everything you should
What is talk to your school counselor to learn some coping strategies because maybe other students are feeling the same way and can benefit from having a group or classroom lesson on stress
What point in the day do grade levels mix?
Grade levels will not normally mix, they all have separate halls and separate lunches.  

Grade levels might mix in electives and athletics.

If you move, or change your phone number what should you do?
What is tell the attendance office. The school will need to have this information on file. It's very important so they can communicate with your families.
Special activities that exist in middle school
What are sports and electives

What subjects does the KPREP test in middle school?

What is Reading, Math, and Science and Social Studies for 8th graders only. Every grade level takes Reading and Math. Writing is given in 7th grade.

If you are having some sort of a disagreement with a friend what should you do?
What is use Kelso's choices (talk it out).  If that doesn't work, make an appointment with your school counselor ask for assistance with the problem.

What do you need to do in order to play sports? (list at least 3 things)

What is be in the get good grades, have good attendance, and don't get in trouble.
