Life @BSMS

There are at least six  of these each day 

What are Class periods


You need a physical , to attend informational meetings , attend conditioning practices and tryouts for what purpose

What is to participate in sports and/or clubs


Language Arts, Math , Science and Social Studies are what

What are the four core classes


This is the school mascot

What is a Bearcat ( for real what is a Bearcat?) :) 


Homework will be assigned by teachers according to the abilities and needs of the students and will therefore vary among subject areas and teachers. Students are expected to complete all assignments and turn them in when due. It is the responsibility of the student to get missed work from his/her teachers 1. Excused absences – Students absent from school due to an excused absence will have the same number of days absent plus one more day to turn in missed work for full credit. Long term projects (assigned five days or more prior to absence) must be turned in on the day the student returns for full credit to be given. 2. Suspensions out of school – In case of students suspended out of school, all work may be made up for full credit. 3. Missing or Incomplete Homework Assignments–Students will receive 75% credit if an assignment is turned in the day after it was due. Students who do not turn in an assignment a day after the due date will be assigned to a “Before School Homework Session” or “After School Homework Session”. Upon completion of the homework session, the student will receive 50% credit of their work. If the student does not attend the assigned homework session, a zero will be given. 4. If a student is identified for a before school or after school homework session and does not attend within the nine weeks grading period, the parents of the student will meet with the guidance counselor. 5. If a student is identified for a before school or after school homework session and does not attend two or more times within a nine weeks grading period, the student will receive a school disciplinary referral. 6. At the end of each 9 weeks grading period, grades for incomplete homework assignments will revert to zeroes.

What is the Homework Policy at BSMS


8:35am and 4:05 pm are important times of the day why?

What is the start and end of the school day


You must have this GPA and be passing this number of classes in order to participate in sports or activities.

What is a 2.0 GPA and passing 6/7 classes.


You may have the opportunity to take classes such as  Spanish, band, orchestra, art, computer applications, digital music etc, They are considered to be what type of class.

What are the Exploratory Classes or Specials?


These are the school colors 

What is red , black and white. 


Breakfast is offered at BSMS similar to how Northern serves breakfast what is the process called. 

What is Grab and Go 


This half day program is designed for students transitioning to kindergarten, sixth, or ninth grade. Occurring at each school, this session will focus on highly engaging activities to foster the inclusion and belonging of transition-grade students. Breakfast and lunch will be served. 

Please stay tuned for additional details from your school about Session 2.

What is Summer Ignite: You will receive further information about this program and open house/back to school bash from Bryan Station during the summer.


Band  Chorus and Orchestra are a _____ commitment

What is a full year commitment.  


You are having trouble in a class subject such as Language Art, Math or Science what can you do ?

What is ask for help


The ______of Bryan Station Middle School is to provide learning opportunities for all students in a positive learning atmosphere while maintaining fair, firm, and consistent expectations.

What is the Vision


 Students will take their badges home and are responsible for bringing it back each day. If a student enters the building without a badge they will call home. If a student loses their badge, they need to see Ms. Albright to purchase a replacement badge for $1. All badges must be visible at all times during the school day. 

What is the Badge Policy at BSMS


20-35 minutes may be the longest you have for this activity 

What is lunch


This BSMS team scored the 3rd highest team score of the season in the Eastern National Tournament

What is Archery 


This program was launched in 1995-96, includes all grade levels (6th-8th Grades), and students throughout the county may apply. Participants spend at least half their day using Spanish in core-content classes. Students have rigorous standards not only in language but also in all subject areas, and they rank high academically compared to others in the district. The goal is for students to be bilingual by the time they graduate

What is the The Spanish Immersion Program 


P Positivity R Respect I Integrity D Dedication E Excellence

What is Station " Pride" 


These are given to students and parents for the entire school year  at the opening of school and can only be changed by the counselor with approval from the principal in special cases. 

What is your schedule. 


you have questions about your schedule you go to this person.

Who is the 6th grade guidance counselor


BSMS is proud to have among their staff  Mr. José Fedriani-Costa who was recently awarded the following honor 

What is 2022-23 FCPS Secondary  Teacher of the Year  


Students will take a double block of Language Arts and Math as Reading and Math skills are the main focus. Students will also have Science, Social Students, and two exploratory courses. Students will take Social Studies classes in Geography, Ancient Civilizations, and U.S. History.

What is the School Wide Curriculum


IF you arrive to school after 9:05 you are considered this and must go to the attendance clerk with a note

What is Tardy


You receive a 75% on an assignment what letter grade is this ?

What is a C .  The following is the grading scale used at BSMS

A 90% - 100+% 4 quality points 

B 80% - 89% 3 quality points 

C 70% - 79% 2 quality points 

D  60% - 69% 1 quality point 

F Failing 60% or below 0 quality points 

I Incomplete work 0 quality points 
