Where are all the 6th grade lockers?
In the 6th Grade Commons
Who is Mrs. Khan?
True or false?
Your midriff is ok at lunch time just not during class time.
False - midriff should never be showing
What block would you have first on a day 5?
Block 5
What animal is Ms. Farmer strangely an expert on?
Where is the counselor’s office?
What does Mr. Horton teach?
What kind of ripped jeans are you allowed to wear to school?
rips only below the knee
If you have block 1 first in the morning, what block will you have next?
Block 3 is next
How many countries has Mr. Hunter visited?
What are the names of both gym spaces you will use in MS?
Main Gym & Aux Gym
What does Ms. Dacosta teach?
Your sister says you can wear a T-shirt with hedgehogs smoking cigarettes on it. Is this ok to wear to school?
Do 6th graders eat lunch first or second?
First (Recess is second)
Which 5th Grade teacher sang opera in front of 10 thousand people in a hockey stadium?
Mr. Martin was hypnotized and sang very poorly.
What is the room called where you take drama class?
The Black Box
Who is Mr. Johnston?
Social Studies teacher
How many inches are skirts and shorts allowed to come above the knee?
3 inches (about the width of your hand)
If you have block 2 last block of the day, which block did you have first?
Block 4
Where did Mr. Redd first learn that he was afraid of monkeys and caves?
Which two G5 teachers share a favorite baseball team? What is the team?
Ms. Farmer and Mr. Zarter, Atlanta Braves
Which teacher was a sheep shearer?
Mr. Hammonds
Which teacher wanted to be a National Geographic photographer when they were a kid?
Ms. Lucas
What is the name of your 6th grade counselor?
Mrs. Howell!
Who worked as a hotel front desk agent before teaching?
Mrs. Smith