This enclosed walkway connects the Metro Toronto Convention Centre to Union Station
The Skywalk
This HR Generalist has worked 7 years at MTCC
Sarah Tabassum
The tallest building in Toronto
CN Tower
This is how “Merry Christmas” is said in Spanish
Feliz Navidad
Metro Toronto Convention Centre is home to this theatre
John Bassett Theatre
This MTCC employee grew up in Bosnia during the civil war
Jadranka Dragicevic
The longest street in Toronto
Yonge Street
This popular Christmas beverage is also called “milk punch”
Three events that start 2022
- The Franchise Expo 2022
- Canada's Bridal Show Winter 2022
- Auto Show 2022
- Study and Go Abroad Fair
- Real Capital 2022
- National Women's Show 2022
- Youth America Grand Prix Ballet Competition
This MTCC employee use to be a competitive rhythmic gymnast
Biliana Milanova
The branded version of Toronto that Drake created
The 6ix
This Santa’s reindeer has the same name as another holiday mascot
The Metro Toronto Convention Centre is this big in square feet
2 million square feet
Which MTCC employee's pet is this
Anthony Ferrari
Because of its weather beacon, this building in the city's downtown core is known for predicting the weather.
Canada Life Building
In the movie Home Alone, the McCallisters are going on vacation to this city when leave Kevin behind?
The year Metro Toronto Convention Centre first opened in
Who is this MTCC employee as a baby
Denitsa Meteva
CNN, cnbc, ctv, bbc, and every other media outlet on the internet agree. Toronto has been named one of the world's safest cities. What place was Toronto in?
2nd place, behind Copenhagen
These three of Santa’s reindeer’s names begin with the letter “D.”
Dancer, Dasher, and Donner