What is the name of our school?
Maple Shade Junior/Senior High
What are the school colors?
blue and gold
What time does school start?
7:28 am
Who is our Principal?
Mr. La Grou
Something you should never do to another student?
Bully or be disrespectful.
What is the name of your speech and language teacher?
Mrs. Dolente
Who is our Assistant Principal?
Dr. Jack in the Jr High
Mrs. Brady & Mr. Lowery in the HS
What does the OT teach you?
Organization; handwriting/typing; sensory regulation; problem solving; etc.
Scenario: A student has to go to the bathroom and the teacher is teaching, what should the student do?
Create a smart pass; wait until they can go.
Do we allow cell phones OR ear buds out in class?
What will you do in this class?
What kind of schedule do we follow for therapy sessions?
A static weekly schedule
*time and block vs. class
What is half the year called?
Who or what is our mascot?
Name one new student to our class this year?
What goes up but never down?
Your Age
What can you catch but not throw?
A cold
What is the most important rule in this class?
Be Respectful
When can you NOT use the restroom at school?
5 minutes before and after the period bell
Scenario: The bell goes off, class is over. What do you do?
Wait until the teacher dismisses you
What are the names of the other schools in our district?
Maude Wilkins
How will you know when to come to the Therapy Room?
*If you don't get called, there is no session.
What is a marking period?
One quarter of the school year; when you get a report card
Who uses this office to have OT sessions?
Ms. Heather
What do you see once in March, twice in February, but never in June
The letter R