Who's Who?
What's What?
Know Your Exec
Calling all Committees!
What do we do, again?

This advisor is in her first year at Park University serving as Dean of Students. 

Who is Molly?


Each PSGA member swears to preserve, protect, and defend these two guiding documents before assuming office.

What are the Constitution and Bylaws?


This exec member is a computer science major and fittingly heads the Technology Exploration Committee!

Who is Tara (Technology Manager)?


This committee has a separate budget line and recently added laptop computers to the library rotation for check out. 

What is the Technology Exploration Committee (TEC)?


GA meetings are held at this same time and day each week so that all students are available to attend outside class. 

When is Friday at 12:15p?


This advisor has been with PSGA the longest and serves as the director of student life. 

Who is Amanda?


This room is used to store PSGA swag, host small meetings, and be utilized as a study space for members. 

What is the PSGA office?


This year is this exec member's first year at Park and the only exec member pursing a business degree. 

Who is Theresa (Secretary)?


This committee plans 2 required events each semester to engage the student body and celebrate our Pirate community!

What is Student activities and promotions? 


This number of unexcused absences in a row will result in the initial of removal processes. 

What is 2?


This senate member is an undergraduate student tasked with tracking the PSGA budget and reporting trends to the senate and student body. 

Who is Lynh (Finance Manager)?


This item is passed from the leaving presiding officer to the incoming officer each year. It is used to signal for attention or bring order during a meeting.

What is a gavel?


This exec member is our only sophomore serving on the board and only one of two board members to be elected and confirmed last spring. 

Who is Waylon (Vice President)?


This committee is tasked with planning and implementing elections for the fall and spring sessions, as well as helping to fill vacancies when necessary. 

What is Recruitment and Public Relations?


This tool is a text based service where updates and meeting information will be shared. You may use this service to reach out to senate members. 24 hour response time is required. 

What is Remind?


This role refers to the head of each committee. It is most commonly filled by an exec board member but may also be held by any appointed undergraduate student.

What is the [committee] chair?


This event is held in the spring each year to honor outstanding pirates as nominated by their peers. 

What is the Dr. Doris Howell Leadership Awards?


This exec board member has been in PSGA going on four years and is pursuing a double major & minor.

Who is Raeven (President)?

"DAILY DOUBLE": What are the majors (or minors) Raeven is pursuing? {100 points for each correct answer.}


This is our newest committee, and is tasked with ensuring timely project completion and transparency to the student body.

What is External affairs and project implementation?


This fee formerly known as the student life fee is the origin of our funds for which we serve as one comptroller of.

What is the university fee?


These groups will be formed for any purpose deemed necessary by the external affairs committee or executive board, with final approval to form these non-standing committees coming from the President.

What is an ad-hoc committee?


These procedures guide our operating principles and procedures during general assembly sessions. 

What is Robert’s Rules of Order?


This exec board member graduates this December and  was previously our Vice President!

Who is Alyssia (Media Manager)?


This committee is a semi-standing committee called upon by the president and vice president when the PSGA governing documenting are in need of review. 

What is Bylaws Committee?


This is the only senate office that cannot vote except in the case of a tie. 

What is the office of the president?
