Library Rules
Library Procedures
Library Sections
Library Organization
True or False

What voice should we use in the library?

Our Inside Voice. (you don't really have to whisper the whole time you are in a library)


How many books can you check out?

With a child card you can check out 25 books and/or movies.


What types of books are in the non-fiction sections?

Books on real-life subjects like science, math, literature, art, and history. You can also find biographies, graphic novels, and fairy tales here.


Are grown up books and kid books in the same place?

No. In our libraries, those sections are separate. Kids have their own area and computers.


The library charges overdue fines.

False. there are  no overdue fines. ABQ libraries will bill you for the cost of the book if not returned. After 180 days, the bill is sent to collections. if the book is brought back the bill goes away.


Is it okay to bring in a snack and eat while I read?

No. It is against the rules of the library to bring in food or drink. A water bottle with a lid is okay.


How long do you get to keep your books?

Three weeks.


What types of books do we find in the Fiction section?

In this section, we find make-believe stories and chapter books.


What are the three types of fiction books in the Children's section.

Picture books, chapter books, and graphic (comic) novels.


The library rents video.

False. Videos, just like books, can be checked out. You can also check out puzzles, cake pans, birdwatching kits, and ukeleles!


When you are done with a book, what should you do with it if you don't want to check it out?

Around the library, there are carts for you to put the books on. The library staff will re-shelve the books.


Name two ways to check out your books.

1. Use the self-check machines.

2. Take your library card to the checkout desk. The librarian will help you.


What is a call number?

It is the number (and/or letters) on the spine of the book and in the catalog listing, that helps you to find the books you want to read. These numbers are also in the catalog.


Where can you find Diary of a Wimpy Kid books?

In the children's fiction section of the library.


The library has free passes to places like Explora, and the Natural History Museum.

True! Your parent or guardian can check one out. Most are good for a week and you can take 4-6 people depending on the pass.


Can you take books and not bring them back? Why or why not?

No. Libraries are glad to lend you books, but they want to be sure that those materials are available for ANYONE who wants to use them.


The catalog has a book I want, but it's not at my branch. What do I do?

You can put a hold on the book, and it will be sent to your branch.


What is the circulation desk?

The large desk usually at the front of the library where you can check your books in and out, get information about your library account, and apply for a library card.


What is the biography section?

This is the section in the library with books about real people's lives


You can play with LEGOs at the library.

True! Most of the branches have a LEGO club at least once a month. Check the website for a schedule.


What is the most important rule in the library?

Be respectful of the materials and the other people using the library. Treating everything and everyone well ensures that the library is open to all.


What if I forget to check out my book?

 You will probably not get very far...there are alarms at the doors that scan the books and can tell if they've been properly checked out. The librarian will help you check the item out.


What is the Online Catalog?

An online list of resources (books, ebooks, etc) that are in the library, and you can use to search for books and information.


What is the name of the system we use to organize the books by topics in the library?

The Dewey Decimal System


Libraries are quiet places.

False. While it is important to be repectuful and quiet in the library if people are working, libraries are becoming more and more noisy and alive than ever.
