How many verification items do we need to properly collect before the student is considered fully FERPA verified?
"I need help with my WiFi! It's horrible all over campus."
Offer basic troubleshooting and/or refer to Help Desk
"I can't access my Student Portal and my counselor told me to call you."
Set up recovery options?
PW reset process and Access SP
PW Reset > GCU Portal
What is the number to the GCU Main Line?
Main Line (8 AM - 5 PM)
1 (800) 800-9776 (Toll-Free)
What does FERPA stand for?
The Family Education Rights and Privacy Act
"I can't set up my Printer to print my book for class."
We can assist with printing eBooks but we don't set up printers.
"It's not letting me access my eBook and I'm using the same username and password as the Student Portal!" extension?
web viewer vs pdf?
wrong pw? pw reset or recover pw
no AR? install AR
If you need to submit an IHT during your interaction, THIS is how you proceed.
New Ticket > IHT Macro > issue type > specific details (how can we help?)
To help avoid attendance occurrences, how much time should you give yourself before your shift starts?
Scenario: A caller tells you that they are placing you on speakerphone and/or you hear a random voice in the background.
Question: To ensure we follow proper FERPA Compliance policies set in place, THIS is how you should proceed.
Let everyone in the room know they are on a recorded line.
Ask the student for permission to discuss protected information over speakerphone.
set proper expectations
"I can't submit my assignment! I keep getting this error 'Unable to make final submission'."
Special characters in file name and/or file length
If you would like to send an article after the interaction, THIS is how you proceed.
THIS is where you can check for broken LMS things and/or Known Issues
Land of Broken LMS things and Known Issues bucket
What information can be omitted from the address?
DR,ST,RD, or apt/unit
"I need some help uploading my video to YouTube. My instructor said you guys can help."
"I can't access my course anymore and I need to get in there tonight to finish my homework!"
What error? CCC browser and/or try a different browser
Can you access the course and see the student on the roster? If you can see them on roster, they should be able to access course.
Any holds? If yes, refer to SSC
When receiving an End of Shift (EOS) transfer from your fellow GCU TS colleague, THIS information is required on your ticket
Student's first and last name and Have they been verified?
Side chat in Teams to confirm - attach screenshot to ticket
Faculty/Preceptor support 602-639-7201
If you are receiving a transfer call from a counselor with FERPA verified student, THIS is how you should proceed.
Verify the counselor's first and last name.
Manager's full name or counselor's extension.
Side chat in Teams confirming this information.
Screenshot on your ticket.
"I was told you could help me with downloading the APA template and assist me with pasting my work."
Set expectations about copy/paste and how the formatting might get thrown off. They have to fix any issues they encounter with formatting.
We only provide the instructions on how to download, open the template, and copy/paste.
"I need help with my homework! I can't submit my homework because it says it's too big. Can you fix this?"
What type of computer? Office apps or online?
How large is the file? compress images on file or file itself
If compressing file does not lower it to under 10mb, then proceed with the OneDrive route.
OneDrive > upload > share > copy link > paste onto blank word doc > save > submit to LMS
You take a new student through the recovery option setup, pw reset process, and access the GCU Student Portal.
What details should be documented?
Provided GCU email and/or username?
Recovery options set up? set up success?
PW reset process success?
Provided any temp pws, links, and/or steps?
THIS area in your Bubbles profile will allow you to display interest in specific job roles here at GCU TS.