What is classroom rule #1?
No Bullying
What grade is Ja'Varius in?
What City and State is your School in?
Kalamazoo Michigan
What Planet do we live on?
What does the rule is keep hands to yourself mean?
Give a person their personal space
Do Not hit/or touch anyone
No pushing
What is your Principial first name?
Mrs. Dionne Roberts
How old is your school?
100 years old
What does a plant need to grow?
Dirt, Water, Sun, plant food
What is the name of your after school teacher's
Ms. Kay
Ms. Heavens
Ms. A
Mr. Alan
What is your lunch lady name?
Ms. T
What is your home address?
Everyone student responsible to say address
How many planets are there?
8- Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
What does be Respectful mean?
Allow students to speak...
What is the name of the street your school is on?
North Burdick
100 x 5
How many kids are in program?
Give an example of a Mammal?
correct Mammal
Buffalo Cat
Camel Whale
Monkey Black Bear
Hippo Cow
Where do we go for fire drill?
Location: the fence behind the play area outside.
What is the secretary name
Mrs. Barb
100 x 100
Who's is the Teacher for the Y program?
Who's your Art teacher?
Who's the behavior specialist?
Ms. Dunning
Ms. Johnson
Mr. Arron
What Country is Michigan in?