К какому времени относится предложение?
The students are writing a test.
Present Continuous
Have you ... a book?
Я люблю купаться в озере
I like to swim in the lake.
Where do you live? What is your adress?
I live in Petozavodsk. My adress is La-Rochel Street, 8
Назови 7 профессий
doctor, police officer, teacher, mechanic, architect, bus driver, shop assistant, housewife, nurse, chef
Какие формы принимает глагол to be в прошедшем времени?.
January is the ... month of the year.
Я иду в школу пешком
I go to school on foot
What did you do on holidays?
I swam in sea, watched films and ate ice-cream
Maths, Russian, English, Biology, Geography, History, PE, Information Technology, Science, Art, Music
Как различаются исчисляемые и неисчисляемые существительные. Приведи примеры
Исчисляемые: apple, pencil, banana
Неисчисляемые: water, meat, salt
My mum usually goes to work ... car.
Сколько стоит эта шоколадка?
How much is this chocolate?
When is your birthday?
My birthday is on the 14th of May
Назови 7 мест в городе
Museum, cinema, stadium, shopping centre, school, church, post office, bank, hospital...
Какие есть степени сравнения прилагательных? Приведите примеры.
big-bigger-the biggest
interesting - more interesting - the most interesting
I am interested ... photography.
У меня есть ноутбук, планшет и наушники
I have got a laptop, a tablet and headphones.
What do usually do on your smartphone?
I watch videos and paly games
Назови 7 стран и их столицы
Russia- Moscow, China - Beijing, England - London, Germany - Berlin, Poland - Warsaw, France - Paris, Italy - Rome, Spain - Mardrid...
Какой порядок слов в вопросах в английском языке?
Wh+ вспом.гл. + подлежащее+ сказуемое ...?
Would you ... some coffee?
Больница находится напротив музея.
The hospital is opposite the museum.
I'm going to do my homework, eat dinner ang go to sleep
Назови 7 неправильных глаголов с их формами
buy-bought-bought, eat-ate-eaten, drink-drank-drunk, fly-flew-flown, put-put-put, go-went-gone, do-did-done...