How many states did Miss. Scar see this summer?
Illinois, Ohio, Indiana, Missouri, Kansas, Colorado, New Mexico and Arizona.
When walking outside of school, where should we be?
Behind Miss Scar
What does P.E. Stand for?
Physical Education
What's the first assignment due and when?
Getting to know you sheets on Thursday!
Where did Miss Scar Go To College?
Central Michigan University
What should we do around guests?
Be mindful, not approaching them and mindful (very demure)
What is the purpose of P.E.
To give you physical knowledge and content to use outside of school to better personal health
How many modules are there?
Double points if you know what?
Physical activity, nutrition, body systems, Fundamentals and reports!
How Do you spell and pronounce Miss Scar's FULL last name
Spelled: S-C-A-R-N-E-C-C-H-I-A
When outside, how should we know when to stop and listen to Miss Scar?
When she uses her whistle
How many domains are in Physical education? And what are they?
4-physcomotor,cognitive, social and affective
How much of class content is actually physical work?
2/5 or 2/4