The minimum percentage required to pass all three parts of the CWI exam?
What is 72%?
The three levels of AWS certified welding inspectors.
What is CAWI, CWI, and SCWI?
When a discontinuity becomes a defect.
What is when it exceeds acceptance criteria?
The AWS Welding Code for Structural Steel
What is AWS D1.1?
The document used to provide welding instructions.
What is a Welding Procedure Specification/WPS?
The minimum amount of hands-on welding experience required to become a CWI.
What is zero?
The document required to maintain material traceability throughout the fabrication process.
What is the mill test report (MTR)?
The most severe type of discontinuity.
What is cracks/cracking?
The AWS Standard for Welding Terms and Definitions.
What is AWS A3.0?
The document used to record the qualification a new welding procedure.
What is a Procedure Qualification Record (PQR).
How long a CWI credential is valid before expiring/requiring renewal.
What is three years?
One tool a CWI could use to verify preheat and interpass temperature.
What is a temperature-indicating crayon OR a pyrometer?
Multiple porosity cavities isolated to a specific area or areas, such as a restart or arc termination.
What is cluster porosity?
The AWS standard for welding earthmoving, construction, agricultural, and ground based material handling equipment.
What is AWS D14.3?
The three types of performance qualifications/qualification tests that could apply to an individual (person).
What are welder, welding operator, and tack welder?
The number of questions on Part A of the CWI exam.
What is 150?
The distance from the weld joint where the inspector should verify interpass temperature.
The only NDE method that can be used to discover laminations in the base material that aren't exposed to the surface.
What is UT?
The three welding codes produced by the American Petroleum Institute (API).
What is API 1104, API 620, and API 650?
The Clause in AWS D1.1 that covers Prequalification of WPSs.
What is Clause 5?
All AWS welding code options that may be used to take Part C of the CWI exam.
What is AWS D1.1, AWS D1.2, AWS D1.5, AWS D15.1, AWS D17.1
The AWS specification for Certification of Welding Inspectors.
What is AWS QC1?
What is inclusions left in the base material during the steel making process, internal stress in the joint caused by welding, and joint configurations which induce tensile-stress on the material in the through-thickness or Z-direction
The maximum amount of reinforcement for a single-pass fillet weld on 3" inch thick steel with a weld face width of 3/4" on a cyclically loaded structure, according AWS D1.1 (2020).
What is 3/16"?
The ASTM standard that AWS D1.1 requires compliance to for destructive testing procedures and practices when qualifying welding procedures and performance.
What is ASTM A 370 Mechanical Testing of Steel Products?